Workspace Viewer
Select Workspaces > View Workspace.
The Workspace Viewer allows you to:
- Upload, view, and run workspaces in FME Server.
- Edit workspace services.
- View attributes and parameters of workspace components.
- Configure published parameters.
Use the menu or toolbar controls at the top to upload or open a workspace, run a workspace, and perform other tasks.
You can view attributes and parameters of workspace components, including readers, writers, and transformers. To show parameters and attributes, double-click a reader, writer, or transformer. A panel displays on the right. Select the Parameters or Attributes tab as desired.
To view and configure published parameters, click the Published Parameters gear icon on the toolbar. The User Parameters panel opens on the right, where you can configure values for testing purposes.
Editing Workspace Services
You can configure the FME Server Web Services that a workspace is registered to run. Select Edit Services from the menu.
Displaying Transformer Names
You can control how transformer names display in the Workspace Viewer. From the Menu, select:
- Show Transformer Names: Displays the FME-default names of all transformers, even if some or all transformers were renamed by the user before the workspace was uploaded to FME Server.
- Show User-Defined names: Displays the names of transformers as defined by the user when the workspace was uploaded to FME Server.
Viewing Triggered Jobs
You can view a list of jobs that have run the workspace being viewed. From the menu, select View Triggered Jobs. The Jobs page opens, filtered to display only jobs from the open workspace.
See Also