Request and Install a License
License files are installed, by default, to: Windows: C:\ProgramData\Safe Software\FME Server\licenses
Linux: /opt/fmeserver/licenses
Automatic Mode (Recommended)
If your FME Server host machine has an internet connection, you can request and install a license online without any need for downloading and re-uploading a license file.
Note: Licensing FME Server over the internet requires no inbound connection. For more information, see FME Server Online Licensing URLs.
- Open the FME Server Web User Interface as a user assigned to the fmesuperuser role. If none of your FME Engines are licensed, you will see a prompt to activate FME Server. Click on the prompt. Otherwise, select Licensing & Engines > Licensing.
- Click Request New License.
- Complete the fields on the Request a New License page. If you have a product Serial Number, be sure to provide it. If not, you will receive a 7-day evaluation license, which you can extend to 60 days (see below).
- Licensing Mode: Select Automatic.
- Click OK.
- A message indicates that your license is installed, and your available engines appear momentarily on the Engines tab.
Note: In addition to licenses for standard FME Engines, an evaluation license that is requested in Automatic Mode includes 100 hours of Dynamic Engine credits.
Note: If the Serial Number you provided includes Dynamic Engines, they are not configured to start by default. You can start and configure your Dynamic Engines on the Engines tab. For more information, see Configuring the Number of FME Engines to Start.
Manual Mode
If you prefer not to use an internet connection for licensing, or if your FME Server host machine does not have an internet connection, use this process to install a license.
Note: If you purchased credits for Dynamic Engines, we encourage you to use Automatic Mode for licensing (above). For more information, contact your Safe Software sales representative.
- Open the FME Server Web User Interface as a user assigned to the fmesuperuser role. If none of your FME Server engines are licensed, you will see a prompt to activate FME Server. Click on the prompt. Otherwise, select Licensing & Engines > Licensing.
- Click Request New License.
- Complete the fields on the Request a New License page. If you have a product Serial Number, be sure to provide it. If not, you will receive a 7-day evaluation license, which you can extend to 60 days (see below).
- Licensing Mode: Select Manual.
- Click OK. A license request .json file downloads.
- Email the .json file to
- You will receive an email from Safe Software with a license file, which has a .fmelic extension. Download the file.
- Return to the Engines & Licensing page. Under Standard Engines, click Upload License File and select the .fmelic file to upload. Or, drag and drop the .fmelic file onto the page under Standard Engines. A message indicates that it is installed, and your available engines appear on the Engines tab.
- If you also purchased credits for Dynamic Engines, perform the following:
- Email and request a license file for your Dynamic Engine credits. Include your Serial Number.
- You will receive an email from Safe Software with a license file, which has a .dynlic extension. Download the file.
- Click Upload License File under Dynamic Engines and select the .dynlic file to upload. Or, drag and drop the .dynlic file onto the page under Dynamic Engines. A message indicates that it is installed.
- Following installation, use the Download Usage Data button to download your Dynamic Engine usage data and submit to Safe Software, according to a schedule agreed upon with your Safe Software sales representative.
Note: Dynamic Engines are not configured to start by default. You can start and configure your Dynamic Engines on the Engines tab. For more information, see Configuring the Number of FME Engines to Start.
Extending an Evaluation License
If you installed a 7-day evaluation license, you should have an email from that allows you to extend the license to 60 days.
Automatic Mode (Recommended)
If your FME Server host machine has an internet connection, you can extend an evaluation license online without any need for downloading and re-uploading a license file.
- Open the email and click the link as instructed.
- A web page opens indicating the request was successful. Additionally, a link is provided to download the license file. Click the link to download the file for safekeeping.
- Return to Licensing & Engines > Licensing and click Refresh License. The license should now be extended accordingly. The EXPIRES field shows the new expiry date.
Manual Mode
If you prefer not to use an internet connection for licensing, or if your FME Server host machine does not have an internet connection, use this process to extend an evaluation license.
- Open the email and click the link as instructed.
- A web page opens indicating the request was successful. Additionally, a link is provided to download the license file. Click the link to download the file.
- Return to Licensing & Engines > Licensing and click Upload License File. Or, drag and drop the file onto the page. (You may need to move the license to a location where it can be accessed). A message indicates that it is installed. The license should now be extended accordingly. The EXPIRES field shows the new expiry date.
See Also