Industry Foundation Class STEP/XML Files (IFC) Reader Parameters

Reader Version

Use Deprecated Reader

FME introduced a new IFC reader in FME version 2014. The previous reader implementation is now deprecated and is no longer maintained; however, you can still use the deprecated reader by changing this parameter to Yes.

Setting this parameter to Yes enables the Deprecated Reader Parameters.

Workspaces that contain versions of the IFC reader previous to FME 2014 are still valid and will continue to use the old reader.

Deprecated Reader Parameters


Read IfcSpace Geometries

This parameter specifies whether the reader will preserve or remove the geometric representations of IfcSpace features. IfcSpace geometries are virtual areas or volumes that provide for certain functions within a building. As such, the geometries do not represent actual physical objects. When physical entities are most important, preserving these volumes of space may not be desirable.

  • Yes: IfcSpace features will contain the geometric representations of the space.
  • No (default): IfcSpace features will not contain geometric representations.

Subtract Opening Geometries

This parameter specifies whether the geometric representations of openings should be subtracted from the geometric representations of the objects they are related to. In practical terms, the parameter specifies whether window openings should be cut out of walls, or fastener holes cut out of beam features.

  • Yes (default): The openings will be cut out of their parent feature geometry, and the opening features will have no geometric representation.
  • No: The openings will not be cut out of their parent geometry. Instead the opening features will contain the geometric representations. This allows the subtraction to be performed later, using the CSGBuilder transformer in FME Workbench.

Note: It should be noted that the IFC reader may tweak the opening geometries to improve the fidelity of the resulting solids. This is to prevent "wallpaper" geometries in which an opening does not cut fully through the parent geometry. These modifications will not be made if this parameter is set to No.

Add Projecting Geometries

This parameter specifies whether the geometric representations of projecting elements (for example, pilasters and other decorative items) should be added to the geometric representations of the objects they are related to. This will apply to any object whose type is a subtype of IfcFeatureElementAddition.

  • Yes (default): The projecting geometries will be added to their parent feature geometry using a CSG union operation. The projection features will have no geometric representation.
  • No: The projecting geometries will not be added to their parent geometry. Instead, the projection features will contain the geometric representations. This allows the addition to be performed later, using the CSGBuilder transformer in FME Workbench.

Evaluate CSG Solids

This parameter specifies whether the IFC reader should evaluate CSG solid geometries or not. If the CSG evaluation is not performed in the IFC reader, FME will automatically perform the evaluation when it is required. However, in some cases, this will result in solids which contain extraneous faces or protrusions. This can be prevented by having the IFC reader evaluate all CSG solids as they are read.

The default value for this parameter is No.

Note: Setting this parameter to Yes may significantly slow down the IFC reader.

Simplify Extrusion Base Faces

In IFC, some geometries can be specified with curved corners. This is particularly common for structural beams which have a C, I, L, T, U or Z shape profile, or a rounded rectangular profile. These curved corners can dramatically increase the number of faces in a solid. If the solid is involved in a CSG subtraction, the extra faces will significantly slow down the CSG evaluation. The extra faces can be avoided by setting this parameter to Yes. In this case, the rounded corners will be replaced with 90 degree corners.

The default value for this parameter is No.


String Encoding

This parameter may be used to provide a character set encoding which the IFC reader will use to read strings from the input file.

The IFC specification assumes that most string data is encoded in the ISO-8859-1 (Latin1) character set. In addition, the specification provides detailed information on how international characters are to be encoded in an IFC file. The IFC reader follows these specifications, and for a file that is correctly encoded, this reader parameter is not required. However, some files are produced incorrectly, and the text data in an IFC file may simply be the bytes of a string encoded in a character set other than ISO-8859-1.

Setting this reader parameter to the name of a character set allows the IFC reader to read files with incorrectly encoded international characters.