
# FME Server Common Config File Parameters
# Changes to any parameter value in this file will take effect only upon
# subsequent restart of the FME Server.
# The following parameters must be present in the config file and named exactly
# as shown:
# Connection Limits
# MAX_PENDING_CONNECT_REQUESTS - Maximum number of pending connect requests to allow on the
# REQUEST_PORT. Connect requests after this number will be
# rejected, rather than queued up for later processing.
# CHANNEL_READ_BUFFER_SIZE - Size of channel buffer used to read in client requests. The default is
# 8192. A larger buffer size may increase the speed of reading larger
# client requests, however, excessively large buffer sizes may decrease
# the speed of reading smaller client requests.
# Environment
#LOCALE_CONFIG_PATH - the path to the FME localization config file which contains the FME_LOCALE property
# If no file path or an invalid file path is specified, then the default system locale is used.
# If a valid file path is specified, the FME locale in the specified file is used.
# If there is no FME_LOCALE property in the file, then the default system locale is used.
# The language, country and variant are separated by underscores.
# Language is always lower case, and country is always upper case.
# Examples: "en", "de_DE", "_GB", "en_US_WIN", "de__POSIX", "fr__MAC"
# ROOT_PATH - The root path under which FME Server system files can be found.
# SERVER_PATH - The root path under which Server files can be found on FME Server.
# RESOURCE_PATH - The root path under which FME Server system resources can be found. Resources
# include localisable log message files, system properties, system state files, etc.
# CLIENTS_PATH - The root path under which FME Server client files can be found.
# Security Management
# SECURITY_HOME - The root path under which security modules reside.
# SECURITY_DEBUG - Can be true or false. If true, enables security debug messages to appear in
# log files. If false, no security debug messages will appear.
# Authorization
# DEFAULT_OWNER - The owner of the FME Server components added in the post-install scripts.
# Components include services, repositories, tasks, topics and subscriptions.
# The default owner must be a valid FME Server user.
# Distribution Management
# NODE_ENGINE_ADMIN_PORT - The integer port number on which the FME Server Engine node accepts requests.
# The port number specified here must match the value assigned to the
# NODE_ADMIN_PORT parameter defined in the processMonitorConfigEngines.txt
# file used to configure the FME Engines Process Monitor.
# NODE_CORE_ADMIN_PORT - The Core administration port used to manage SYSTEM processes.
# Queue Connection
# QUEUE_PASSWORD - Queue password.
# Database Connection
# DB_TYPE - Identifies specific database in use: postgresql, sqlserver, oracle.
# DB_DRIVER - JDBC driver name used for connecting to the Repository database.
# DB_JDBC_URL - JDBC url used for connecting to the Repository database.
# DB_USERNAME - Repository database user name
# DB_PASSWORD - Repository database user password
# DB_CONNECT_EXPIRY - Database connection expiry in seconds
# DB_NUM_STMT_LIMIT - The limit on JDBC statements per JDBC connection. Upon commiting a JDBC transaction,
# if the number of JDBC statements for the JDBC connection exceed this limit, all JDBC
# statements will be closed.
# DB_SQLSTMTS_PATH - The path to the SQL statement resource bundle
# Examples:
# DB_TYPE=postgresql
# DB_DRIVER=org.postgresql.Driver
# DB_JDBC_URL=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/fmeserver
# DB_USERNAME=fmeserver
# DB_PASSWORD=fmeserver
# DB_SQLSTMTS_PATH=C:/Apps/FMEServer/Server/database
# DB_TYPE=sqlserver
# DB_JDBC_URL=jdbc:sqlserver://localhost/SQLEXPRESS
# DB_USERNAME=fmeserver
# DB_SQLSTMTS_PATH=C:/Apps/FMEServer/Server/database
# DB_TYPE=oracle
# DB_DRIVER=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
# DB_JDBC_URL=jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:orcl
# DB_USERNAME=fmeserver
# DB_PASSWORD=fmeserver
# DB_SQLSTMTS_PATH=C:/Apps/FMEServer/Server/database
# ************** FME SERVER SETTINGS START **************
# Connection Limits
# Environment
# Key Management
# Security Management
# Deployment Management
NODE_DESCRIPTION=FME Server running on {SAFE{nodeName}}
# Authorization
# Queue Connection
# Database Connection
# ************** FME SERVER SETTINGS END **************