Menu Commands and Shortcuts

See also Workbench Keyboard Shortcuts for an additional list of shortcuts.


Command Keyboard Shortcut - PC Keyboad Shortcut - Mac Function
New Ctrl+n command (key)+n Opens the Create Workspace dialog, which provides different options for creating a new workspace.
Open Ctrl+o command (key)+o Opens a file browser so you can pick an FME workspace (.fmw) file.
Generate Workspace Ctrl+g shift+command (key)+n Opens the Generate Workspace dialog.
Open Recent/Open Recent Template     Opens a recently-opened workspace or workspace template.
Close Ctrl+w command (key)+w Closes the current workspace.
Save Ctrl+s command (key)+s Saves the current workspace.
Save As   shift+command (key)+s Saves the current workspace to a different name. You can also save a simple workspace to a mapping file (.fme) for use with the FME Quick Translator.
Save As Template     Saves the current workspace as a template (.fmwt).
Export as Custom Transformer     Exports the workspace as a custom transformer.
Export As Custom Format     Exports the workspace as a custom transformer.
Publish/Republish to FME Server     Publishes a workspace to an FME Server. Note that you must have an FME Server configured as part of your system.
Download from FME Server     Downloads a workspace from an FME Server. Note that you must have an FME Server configured as part of your system.
Print   command (key)+p

Previews and prints the workspace.

Tip: To print only a portion of a workspace, click and drag to select items on the canvas before previewing. To preview and print the entire workspace, toggle the Print Selected Only icon on the Print Preview toolbar. To fit a large workspace (or selection) to one page, select the Fit to Page icon.

Send To (PC only)     Opens your e-mail client with the current workspace attached to a new e-mail.

Exit (PC only)

Ctrl+q   Quits Workbench.

FME Workbench (Mac only)

Command Keyboard Shortcut - PC Function
About FME Workbench   Displays information about this installation of FME Desktop.
Licensing Assistant   Opens the FME Desktop Licensing Assistant.
Check for Updates   Opens the Software Update tool.
Preferences command (key)+,

Opens FME Options.

Services   Allows you to configure Mac services as they apply to Workbench.
Hide FME Workbench command (key)+h Hides the Workbench window.
Hide Others option (key)+command (key)+h Hides all windows except Workbench.
Show All   Shows all open windows.
Quit FME Workbench command (key)+q Quits Workbench.


Command Keyboard Shortcut - PC Keyboard Shortcut - Mac Function
Undo Ctrl+z command (key)+z Reverses the most recent action in a workspace.
Redo Ctrl+y shift+command (key)+z Repeats the most recent action that you reversed in a workspace.
Cut Ctrl+x command (key)+x Cuts a selection and sends it to the clipboard.
Copy Ctrl+c command (key)+c Copies a selection and sends it to the clipboard.
Paste Ctrl+v command (key)+v Pastes a selection from the clipboard.
Delete Del (key) delete (key) Deletes a selection.
Bring to Front/Send to Back     Brings objects forward on the canvas or sends them behind other objects.
Align Horizontally/Vertically     Aligns selected objects on the canvas with one another, according to the specified orientation.
Spread     Evenly spaces selected objects on the canvas from one another, either horizontally vertically.
Select All Ctrl+a command (key)+a Selects all content on the canvas.
Start Dictation (Mac only)   fn+fn Enables dictation.
Emoji & Symbols (Mac only)   ^+command (key)+space Opens an emoji selector.


Command Keyboard Shortcut - PC Keyboard Shortcut - Mac Function
Windows     Shows/hides various Workbench windows.
Expand All/Collapse All     Expands/collapses all workspace objects.
View Attached Annotations     Shows/hides annotations defined by the user.
View Summary Annotations     Shows/hides summary annotations, which display a box that contains information about the feature type or transformer.
Zoom (PC only)    

Sets default zoom properties.

Locate the corresponding tool Zoom Mini-bar in FME > Options > Toolbar.

The tool has a slider, +/- buttons, and a text entry box so you can enter a zoom value. It also includes a "zoom to extents" button to fit the workspace into the available canvas area.

Grid and Guides



Displays the Grid and Guides dialog:

  • Show Grid: Displays a grid on the canvas.
  • Snap to Grid: Snaps objects to the nearest top left corner on the grid when dragged.
  • Grid Color: Sets the color of the grid lines.
  • Horizontal Grid Size: The width (horizontal distance) between the vertical lines on the grid, in canvas units.
  • Vertical Grid Size: The height (vertical distance) between the horizontal lines on the grid, in canvas units.
  • Grid Gravity: If Snap to Grid is checked, this is the distance from a grid line at which snapping occurs. To ensure that objects always snap to grid lines, set to at least half the Grid Size.
  • Show Guides:As you drag objects on the canvas, this setting displays vertical and horizontal guide markers on nearby objects to help with alignment.
  • Snap to Guides: Snaps dragged objects to the horizontal or vertical position of a nearby guide marker.
  • Guide Color: Sets the color of guide markers.
  • Guide Sensitivity: The maximum distance between objects, in canvas units, for displaying guide markers.
  • Guide Gravity: The distance from a guide marker at which snapping occurs.
Maximize Canvas Shift+F11 shift+F11 Maximizes the canvas to the size of the current window.
Full Screen F11 F11 Maximizes the canvas to the size of the screen.
Enter/Exit Full Screen (Mac only)     Maximizes/reverts the Workbench window.


Command Keyboard Shortcut - PC Keyboard Shortcut - Mac Function
Add Reader Ctrl+Alt+r option (key)+command (key)+r Adds a reader to the workspace.
Update Reader    

Updates a reader to the current version of FME Desktop. For more information, see Updating Readers and Writers.

Import Feature Types     Imports feature types from a different dataset.
Update Feature Types    

Updates feature types if the structure of the data has changed outside the workspace.

Enable/Disable Feature Types     Temporarily disables (or enables) feature types in the workspace.
Remove Feature Types     Removes the specified feature types.
Remove Readers     Removes the specified readers.
Add Reader as Resource     Inserts a reference to a dataset to be used in the workspace.


Command Keyboard Shortcut - PC Keyboard Shortcut - Mac Function
Add Transformer / (key) / (key) Opens a search bar for adding a transformer to the canvas.
Remove Transformers     Removes the specified transformers from the workspace.
Enable/Disable Transformers     Disables (or enables) transformers in the workspace.
Enable/Disable Inspectors     Disables (or enables) any Inspectors in the workspace.
Create Custom Transformer Ctrl+t command (key)+t Adds a custom transformer to the workspace.
Embed All Transformers     Changes the status of any linked custom transformers in the workspace to embedded.


Command Keyboard Shortcut - PC Keyboard Shortcut - Mac Function
Add Writer Ctrl+Alt+w option (key)+command (key)+w Adds a writer to the workspace.
Update Writer    

Updates a writer to the current version of FME Desktop. For more information, see Updating Readers and Writers.

Add Feature Type     Adds a new feature type to the workspace.
Import Feature Type     Imports a feature type from a different dataset.
Update Feature Types     Updates feature types if the structure of the data has changed outside the workspace.
Enable/Disable Feature Types     Temporarily disables (or enables) feature types in the workspace.
Remove Feature Types     Removes a feature type.
Remove Writers     Removes the specified writer.
Move Feature Types     Moves feature types between datasets.
Redirect to FME Data Inspector     Redirects the output to the FME Data Inspector.


Command Keyboard Shortcut - PC Keyboard Shortcut - Mac Function
Run Workspace F5 F5 Runs the workspace with existing parameters.
Rerun Entire Workspace Shift+F5 Shift+F5 Runs the entire workspace. If feature caching is enabled, all caches are regenerated, including up-to-date ones. For more information, see Working with Data Caches - Other Considerations.
Run Selected     When feature caching is enabled, runs a selected portion of the workspace, depending on which option is specified. For more information, see Running and Inspecting Part of a Workspace.
Enable Prompt for User Parameters Ctrl+Alt+F5   Enables the feature that prompts you to change parameters when running workspaces (for example, if you want to use different source data).
Prompt and run the workspace Ctrl+r command (key)+r Runs the workspace and prompts you to change parameters (for example, if you want to use different source data).
Enable Feature Caching Ctrl+F5 command (key)+F5 Runs the workspace in feature caching mode. All links and ports display feature counts. For more information, see About Feature Inspection.
Stop at Breakpoints Ctrl+Shift+F5 command (key)+Shift+F5 Runs the translation using the Feature Inspector, after you define a breakpoint.
Batch Deploy     Runs the translation in batch mode.


Command Keyboard Shortcut Function

Removes any of the following from the workspace:

A list of the selected items that are in the workspace appears. For large lists, use the search filter to display. Use the checkboxes to delete the desired objects, and click OK.

Edit Header   Allows you to add format directives into the workspace (Advanced user task)
Apply Auto-Layout   Optimizes the layout of objects on the Workbench canvas.
Browse FME Hub   Opens FME Hub.
Browse Coordinate Systems   Opens the Coordinate System Gallery.
Browse Geographic Transformations   Opens the Geographic Transformation Gallery.
Browse Readers and Writers   Opens the Reader and Writer (supported formats) Gallery.
Purge Temporary Files   Purge temporary Workbench-related files.
License Borrowing   Allows floating license holders to temporarily use another floating license.
FME Options (PC only)   Sets default options.