Active Directory

Select User Management > Active Directory.

On the Active Directory page, you can incorporate your organization's Active Directory users and groups into your FME Server security configuration.

When you import user accounts from Active Directory, they can authenticate as Users with FME Server using their Active Directory credentials. Optionally, single sign-on authentication can be enabled, in conjunction with SASL.

When you import groups from Active Directory, they become Roles in FME Server.

Perhaps the most convenient aspect of Active Directory integration is the ability to use the same groups that exist in Active Directory and configure them as roles in FME Server, assigning them permissions just as you would in Windows. This is because FME Server maintains Active Directory relationships between users and groups. For example, consider Active Directory User_1 who belongs to Active Directory Group_1. If you import User_1 as a user in FME Server, and import Group_1 as a role in FME Server, User_1 is automatically a member of the role Group_1 in FME Server.

To get started with Active Directory

  1. Create a connection to your Active Directory server.
  2. Using the connection, import Users and Groups from Active Directory into FME Server.

To view or edit your Active Directory Connections

The Active Directory page displays basic information about your Active Directory Connections, including the connection name, the Active Directory server host name and port, and whether the connection is synchronized.

To view more information and edit the connection, click on it. The Editing page opens. The fields available to edit are the same as those for creating a connection.

To perform other tasks on Active Directory Connections

  • To create a new connection, click Add.
  • To remove one or more connections, check the corresponding box(es) and click Remove.
  • WARNING: You cannot remove an Active Directory connection without first removing any users you imported from the connection. When doing so, be careful not to remove other users who were not imported from the connection. To locate only users from an Active Directory connection, type Active Directory in the Search bar of the Users page.

  • To add users or roles from a connection, check the box beside the connection and click Browse Users or Browse Groups, respectively.
  • To synchronize a connection, check the box beside the connection and click Synchronize. This action synchronizes the following:
    • Relationships between users and groups. For example, consider User_1 who belongs to Group_1 in FME Server because of a corresponding relationship in Active Directory. If that relationship is subsequently broken in Active Directory, the relationship between User_1 and Group_1 will break in FME Server after the next synchronization interval. Likewise, if an Active Directory user changes groups, that change will synchronize in FME Server.
    • Name changes to user accounts in Active Directory.
    • Note: When synchronization occurs, FME Server ensures any Active Directory name change does not break the user's connection to FME Server. However, FME Server does not update the user's login name (Username) or display name (Full Name).

  • Note: If synchronization is already enabled for the connection (indicated by a green checkmark), synchronization is already occurring at specified intervals.

See Also