
autocad_entity: autocad_line

Features with autocad_entity set to autocad_line are stored in and read from drawing files in one of two ways, depending on the number of coordinates they have, and whether they store bulge arcs. Bulge arcs are limited to circular, non-closed arcs within the segments of the line. Any attempts to store elliptical or closed arcs will result in the arc being stroked into a line segment.

Number of

AutoCAD Entity Type




If the feature contained exactly two points, then an AutoCAD line entity is used to store the data.

Greater than 2


If the number of coordinates is greater than 2, then the AutoCAD polyline entity is used to store the coordinates. The polyline closed flag is set to indicate that the polyline entity is not closed.


Attribute Name



Comma-separated value list of the vertex bulges. This is only useful when performing AutoCAD-to-AutoCAD translations, and is a measurement of the curvature at each vertex.


The elevation value stored with the line entity. This is often used to set the elevation for contour lines, as the single elevation value is applied to all the vertices.

Only polylines (lightweight), and 2D polylines use elevation. 3D polylines and simple lines do not.

FME performs automatic detection based on dimension and other factors. To specify a particular type, you can set the autocad_original_entity_type attribute to autocad_2dpolyline, autocad_lwpolyline, or autocad_3dPolyline.

In addition, if the feature geometry is explicitly 2D (that is, you used a 2DForcer transformer), then the autocad_elevation will be saved in the resulting DWG file because one of the above autocad_original_entity_type attributes was automatically set.


Whether the generation of the autocad_linetype will restart at every vertex, or be generated continuously around the entire polyline. Not applicable for 3d polyline features. The possible values are:

0 = Restart generation at each vertex.

1 = Generate continuously around entire polyline.


The width value represents the extension of the 2D line perpendicular to the line, but within the entity plane.

This value is the constant or global width of a line, if it exists.

Reprojectable: Yes


The concatenated string of starting width values for the vertices of 2D and lightweight polyline entities.

Like constant width, this represents the extension of the 2D line perpendicular to the line, but within the entity plane.

This is only set when reading with STORE_BULGE_INFO = YES.

This takes precedence over autocad_width when writing.


The concatenated string of ending width values for the vertices of 2D and lightweight polyline entities.

Like constant width, this represents the extension of the 2D line perpendicular to the line, but within the entity plane.

This is only set when reading with STORE_BULGE_INFO = YES.

This takes precedence over autocad_width when writing.




A bit-coded flag. This attribute is only present or used on autocad_line features that contain more than two vertices. Values can be combined by using addition. The values are:

1 = The line is closed (or the line is a polygon mesh closed in the M direction).

Note: If this bit is set when reading, then the feature will be interpreted as an autocad_polygon.

128 = The linetype pattern is generated continuously around the vertices of the line.