
autocad_entity: autocad_dimension

Dimensions are aggregate features used in AutoCAD to specify dimensions within an AutoCAD drawing. The dimension features have the attributes described below.

Aligned dimensions:

  • defpt2 is the endpoint of the first extension line.
  • defpt3 is the endpoint of the second extension line.
  • dimlinedefpt specifies the dimension line.

Rotated (linear) dimensions:

  • The first extension line is specified by defpt2.
  • The second extension line is specified by defpt3.
  • The dimension line is specified by dimlinedefpt.

Angular dimensions:

  • defpt2 is the startpoint of the first extension line.
  • defpt3 is the endpoint of the first extension line.
  • defpt4 is the startpoint of the second extension line.
  • dimlinedefpt is the endpoint of the second extension line.
  • arcdefpt specifies the dimension line arc.

Angular 3-point dimensions:

  • defpt2 is the endpoint of the first extension line.
  • defpt3 is the endpoint of the second extension line.
  • defpt4 is the center point of the arc.
  • dimlinedefpt specifies the dimension line arc.

Diameter dimensions:

  • defpt4 is the point selected on the circle or arc being dimensioned.
  • dimlinedefpt is the point on the circle exactly across from the selection point.

Radial dimensions:

  • defpt4 is the point selected on the circle or arc being dimensioned.
  • dimlinedefpt is the center point of the circle or arc.

Diameter dimensions:

  • defpt4 is the point selected on the circle or arc being dimensioned.
  • dimlinedefpt is the point on the circle exactly across from the selection point.

Ordinate dimensions:

  • defpt2 is the point which was selected.
  • defpt3 is the endpoint of the leader.
  • dimlinedefpt is the origin definition point of the dimension.

Arc length dimensions:

  • defpt2 is the endpoint of the first extension line.
  • defpt3 is the endpoint of the second extension line.
  • defpt4 is the center point of the arc.
  • dimlinedefpt specifies the dimension arc.

Attribute Name



The scale factor for the inserted block in the x direction.

Range: 64-bit floating point number

Default: 1


This defines the dimension arc for an angular dimension. This is equivalent to the 16,26,36 group in DXF.

Range: 64-bit floating point number

Default: No default


Definition Point. This is equivalent to the 13,23,33 group in DXF.

Range: 64-bit floating point number

Default: No default


Definition Point. This is equivalent to the 14,24,34 group in DXF.

Range: 64-bit floating point number

Default: No default


Definition Point. This is equivalent to the 15,25,35 group in DXF.

Range: 64-bit floating point number

Default: No default


Flag for arc length dimensions indicating that the arc is specified by only two points.

Range: 0 for false | 1 for true

Default: 0


The arc parameter for the arc corresponding to the start point of the arc length dimension.

Range: 64-bit floating point number

Default: 0.0


The arc parameter for the arc corresponding to the end point of the arc length dimension.

Range: 64-bit floating point number

Default: 0.0


The indicates the use of an arc symbol with the text of an arc length dimension, as defined

0 = arc symbol precedes text

1 = arc symbol is above text

2 = no arc symbol is used

Range: 0..2

Default: No default




Start point for an optional extra leader for an arc length dimension.

Range: 64-bit floating point number

Default: No default




End point for an optional extra leader for an arc length dimension.

Range: 64-bit floating point number

Default: No default


This is the attachment point of dimension, as defined

  • 1 = Top Left
  • 2 = Top Center
  • 3 = Top Right
  • 4 = Middle Left
  • 5 = Middle Center
  • 6 = Middle Right
  • 7 = Bottom Left
  • 8 = Bottom Center
  • 9 = Bottom Right



These attributes, provided by the reader but not used by the writer, describe the x,y coordinates of the vertex, on each arrowhead, that could be called the “tip of the arrow.” <number> is some number between 1 and the number of arrowheads in the dimension. If there are no arrowheads, then this attribute will not be supplied.


This is the raw value from the AutoCAD file that indicates the type of dimension. See autocad_dimension_type for the decoded version of this.


The name of the dimension style used. When using the AutoCAD writer, it is important that the dimension style used is defined in the template file; otherwise, no style will be set and the dimension text will not be displayed. Even if the standard dimension style is used, the template file must hold a definition for it.


This indicates the type of the autocad dimension. Possible values are:

  • autocad_rotated
  • autocad_aligned
  • autocad_angular
  • autocad_diameter
  • autocad_radius
  • autocad_angular3Pt
  • autocad_ordinate
  • autocad_xordinate


This is the length of the dimension leader line.


This is the style of the line spacing. It is either 1 (at least) or 2 (exact).


The percentage of default line spacing used.

Range: 0.25..4.0

Default: 1


The rotation angle of the dimension.


The midpoint of the text.


The rotation of the dimension text.


The size of the text in ground units.


The dimension text value.


The angle of the ucs (user coordinate system) when the dimension was created.