12d Model Reader

Licensing options for this format begin with FME Professional Edition.

The 12d Model XML Reader allows FME to read 12d XML (Extensible Markup Language) documents.

12d XML is an XML-based text file format created by 12d Solutions to store string data from 12d Model. This document assumes that the reader has a good understanding of the 12d XML format.

For more information on the 12d XML format, please see the 12d® Model website.

Reader Overview

The 12d Model XML reader produces FME features for each supported feature types in the .12dxml file.

Each .12dxml file contains one metadata element, at least one model element, and zero or more project attribute elements. Each model element contains an optional children block, which may contain strings, tins, super tins, grid tins, trimeshes, and plot frames.

Current FME support for 12d XML model elements is limited to the following:

  • tin
  • full_tin
  • string_super