
Select Tools > FME Options and click the Appearance icon.

Visual Experience

Allows you to view Workbench in Light or Dark mode.

Note: You must restart Workbench for this change to take effect.

Use Deuteranopia Distinguishable Colors

If Light is specified, you can change the appearance of the Workbench canvas to assist persons with this form of color blindness.


Canvas Font

Sets the default font to be used on the workspace canvas.

Default Annotation Font

Sets the default font for annotations.

Bookmark Color Palette

Specifies the available palette of bookmark colors that FME applies automatically to bookmarks as they are created. If a selection is specified, FME applies a random color from among those listed under Bookmark Palette Colors.

Note: You can always change the color of a bookmark manually, including to a custom color.

For more control over the range of colors in a palette, perform the following:

  1. Select the palette you want to customize (either Safe Software or Safe Software (minimal).
  2. Select User Defined Palette.
  3. Expand Bookmark Palette Colors.
  4. Under Auto-Use, check only the colors you want to include. (To speed up the selection process, you can check or uncheck Auto-Use to check all or uncheck all colors.)
  5. (Optional) To import more colors to the palette from your own palette, click Import.
  6. (Optional) To export the palette as configured, click Export.

Canvas Node Display

Truncate Names On

Allows you to specify how object names are truncated: from the left, right, or center.

For example, if object names consist of frequently occurring prefixes, you may want to truncate the text from either the center or the left so you can see more descriptive text at a glance.

This option affects reader, writer, and transformer object names.

Default Transformer/Reader/Writer Size

Sets the default width of transformers, readers, and writers that are added to the canvas.

Size To Text: Object width auto-adjusts to the width of the longest text that appears in the object.

Fixed Width: Objects display on the canvas to a fixed width. Object text is truncated if it is longer than the fixed width, unless the object width is manually expanded.

Text Size Calculation

If Default Transformer/Reader/Writer Size is Size to Text, specifies whether attribute names are considered in calculating object width.

Sound Options

You can adjust FME sound events using the Windows Sound and Audio Devices Properties. You can set Workbench to make a distinctive sound whenever an object is copied, cut, pasted, connected, and deleted. It will also tell you when a translation is successful or has failed. You can also set two events in the FME Data Inspector: when a data load is complete, and when a redraw is performed (but only if the redraw is longer than 3 seconds).

Note that by default all the sounds are set to Off. Follow these steps to enable them:

  • Click the Configure Sound Events.
  • Scroll through the Program Events until you find FME Workbench or FME View.
  • Select the sound to associate with the applicable event.
  • Click OK.

Rendering Options

Enable automatic scaling for High DPI Displays

This setting applies to systems that use high DPI displays (3840 × 2160 pixels or more). If checked, all FME graphical applications, including FME Workbench, FME Data Inspector, FME Quick Translator, and the FME Help viewer, scale the interface so that fonts and icons do not render too small.

WARNING: This setting may cause problems on displays with resolutions lower than 4K, such as 1980 X 1020, and a scale factor set to higher than 100%.

Use system OpenGL for Web View

Check to use the OpenGL Graphics Library (OpenGL) for web-based views in FME. Doing so may solve display problems in viewers such as the FME Workbench Start page, FME Help viewer, or FME Hub viewer.

Note: To use this setting, your system must support OpenGL version 2.1 or later.

Restore Defaults

Click the Restore Defaults button at the bottom of the dialog to revert this page to FME installation defaults. You will be prompted to confirm your selection.