Request and Install the License

Perform the following steps on the computer that acts as the license server:

  1. Click Start > Programs > FlexNet for Safe Software > View hostid.txt to open the hostid.txt file.
  2. If you are installing FlexNet on Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8 and User Account Control (UAC) is enabled, right-click Start-Restart FME License Server and run this function using administrator privileges. If UAC is not enabled, you do not have to perform this step.

  3. Complete the online license request form:

    You will need either:

    • A trial activation code (for example, EDHAKQ5W) or
    • A product serial number (for example, BEGP-F7MG-21YL). To get your serial number, see the confirmation e-mail you received after purchasing FME Desktop.

    If you don't have a trial activation code or product serial number, please e-mail your hostid.txt file to

    If you are requesting a combined license and are entering multiple serial numbers, separate them with commas.

    If you do not have hostid.txt and are entering host information manually:

    • Hostname is the name of the computer hosting the floating license.
    • Host ID is the MAC address (or "Ethernet address") of the host computer (lowercase, with no colons).

    Your hostid.txt may contain multiple Host IDs; however, you can enter only one in the online request form.

  5. You will receive an email with instructions for installing the license:
    1. Save the safe.lic file to the FlexServer directory. For example: C:\Program Files\FlexServer\
    1. Restart the FME License Server:
    2. Start Menu > Programs > FlexNet for Safe Software> Start - Restart FME License Server

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