Installing FME Desktop from the Windows Command Prompt

We recommend installing FME Desktop using the installation wizard. However, installing from the command prompt may be useful when you want to perform a silent or remote installation.


A command prompt installation does not prompt you to uninstall any previous versions of FME that are in the same folder. We strongly recommend that you uninstall any previous FME before silently installing another into the same folder.

Syntax for Silent Installation

msiexec /i <path_to_installer> /qb INSTALLLEVEL=3 INSTALLDIR="<installdir>" ENABLE_POST_INSTALL_TASKS=no


msiexec /i fme_beta.msi /qb INSTALLLEVEL=3 INSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files\FME" ENABLE_POST_INSTALL_TASKS=no

INSTALLLEVEL=3 must always be specified when installing silently from the command line.


This example opens the installation wizard (GUI), but the default installation directory is replaced with C:\Programs\FMEDirectory.

msiexec /i fmeinstaller.msi INSTALLDIR="C:\Programs\FMEDirectory"

This example installs to the default directory, but does not display the installation wizard (GUI) while doing so.

msiexec /i fmeinstaller.msi /qn INSTALLLEVEL=3

This example peforms a silent installation to C:\Programs\FMEDirectory and does not install any shortcuts.

msiexec /i fmeinstaller.msi /qb INSTALLLEVEL=3 INSTALLDIR="C:\Programs\FMEDirectory" ENABLE_SHORTCUTS=no

This example logs all installation activity to logfile.txt.

msiexec /i fmeinstaller.msi /l*v logfile.txt

Licensing FME Desktop from the Windows Command Prompt

You can activate an FME installation for a floating license using the following syntax:

fmelicensingassistant --floating <server>[:<port>] <license type>

For example:

fmelicensingassistant --floating testserver oracle

To get the proper values for <license type>, run:

fmelicensingassistant_cmd.exe --query <server>[:<port>]

For example:

fmelicensingassistant_cmd.exe --query testserver