Borrowing a Floating License

If your FME Desktop product uses a floating license, and your organization supports this option, you can borrow a license for offline use.

A fixed license configuration does not allow you to borrow a license. In addition to a floating license, you need a floating license server with the license borrowing capabilities enabled.

License borrowing requires LMTOOLS version 11.8 or newer.

If a license is available, you can borrow it and run FME for a maximum of 30 days on a computer that will not be connected to the license server.

If you need to borrow a license for an extended time, please consult your System Administrator.

When the borrowing period expires, the license also expires. After the expiry date, the license automatically becomes available for other users to borrow.

You do not have to return the license after an expiry date; however, you can choose to return a license early. See Return the License.

To Borrow a Floating License

  1. Connect to the Floating License
  2. Specify the Terms of the License

To Return a Borrowed License