Usage Statistics Tracking

Safe Software Inc. is committed to protecting your privacy while developing amazing data transformation software. This FME software contains a usage statistics tracking feature that provides you with a better user experience and helps us improve our products.

Safe Software truly values input from our customers to help make FME software relevant, easy to use and indispensable for your data transformation needs. We are constantly asking customers for their feedback at conferences, in training seminars, and when you contact us for support. And we really do listen!

One way we gather customer feedback is by gathering usage statistics through our FME software. The resulting statistics help us identify trends and usage patterns (for example, what formats and transformers are used more than others). This information helps us focus our development efforts for future versions of FME software. The usage statistics tracking feature is voluntary for paid versions of FME software and you can opt out at any time.

When you choose to permit usage statistics tracking, your computer will send anonymous information to Safe Software, which may include product version details, system configuration, IP address, and usage. This data is automatically aggregated with data from other users.

Safe Software does not collect any other personal data, such as a name, address, telephone number or email address as part of the usage statistics tracking feature.

All information collected is handled in accordance with Safe Software's Privacy Policy.

What Information is collected?

In general, the data collected includes information such as the product name, version, build number, and configuration settings. This helps Safe Software to compare data from identical installations and determine popular configurations.

Safe Software may also collect your IP address and product usage information, such as selected menu items, toolbar buttons pressed, dialogue boxes used, localizations, and what readers, writers, transformers, and coordinate systems are being used. This helps us to identify usage patterns such as the most popular readers, writers, and transformers. It also helps us to identify how we should invest in future development and how we may improve our user interfaces.

System configuration information, such as the operating system that your computer is currently running, may be collected. This helps Safe Software identify what system configurations should be used in our testing to best match our customers' environments and to plan our future development based on hardware trends and the adoption of new technologies.

How often does the usage statistics tracking feature send data?

Typically, the data collected on your system will be sent when you start the FME software. If your computer does not have access to the Internet, the data will be collected and sent the next time you are online and running the FME Software.

If I choose to participate, can I opt out later?

Yes, as long as you are not using an evaluation or trial license installer, you may choose to join or end participation at any time. In FME Workbench, go to the Tools drop down menu and select FME Options. On the Workbench pane, under "General," select or deselect the option Improve FME by reporting usage statistics anonymously to Safe Software. Some beta, evaluation, or other no-cost products might require activation of usage statistics tracking and the opt-out mechanism will not be accessible.

Will I be contacted or receive spam if I participate?

No. The usage statistics tracking feature does not collect contact information, such as your name, home address, e-mail address, or phone number. This means that Safe Software will not send you surveys, marketing materials, or other e-mail, and you will not be contacted in any other way as a result of participating in the usage statistics tracking feature.