Meta Raster Format (MRF) Writer Feature Type Parameters
To access feature type parameters, click the gear icon on a feature type in the workspace to open the Feature Type Parameter Editor. To always display the editor in Workbench, you can select View > Windows > Parameter Editor.
All feature types share similar General parameters, including the Feature Type Name, Reader or Writer Name, and Geometry.
In most Writer Feature Type parameter dialogs, you can also control Dynamic Schema Definitions. Some database formats accept a Table Qualifier prefix on the output table feature type.
See Editing Writer Feature Types for more information.
These parameters apply only to a selected feature type, not to the entire writer.
Tip: If a feature type parameter listed here conflicts with a writer-level parameter, then the writer parameter will be ignored and this feature type parameter will be used.

Use this parameter to indicate which file operation should be performed on write.
- Drop and Create will delete any MRF (including sidecars) in the destination folder that have the same FeatureType name as the raster to be written before generating a new MRF with the specified parameters.
- Update Existing will attempt to insert the raster into the MRF in the destination folder that has the same FeatureType name as the raster to be written. If such a raster does not exist, the new MRF will be written and the raster will be written at Z-Slice 0, unless a Z-Size has been specified. If a Z-Size has been specified, the raster will be written at the specified Z-Slice. If the raster does exist, the raster will be inserted into the specified Z-Slice.

When the MRF File Operation parameter is set to Update Existing, use this parameter to specify (via an attribute in the workspace) which Z-Slice to update.
The value of the attribute mrf_z_slice will, if present, take precedence over this option.
Default: Value of mrf_z_slice

Use this parameter to indicate the number of Z slices you expect to add to the MRF: the MRF must be generated with room for the right number of slices, and cannot be changed after workspace generation.
Default: 1

Use this parameter to indicate the number of pyramids that should be generated per Z-Slice.
Note that this parameter is limited by the Number of Rows per Tile and Number of Columns per Tile. The smallest possible pyramid level is that which can fit on a single tile. Also note that the base image resides at pyramid level 0, and does not contribute to the total number of pyramid levels (for example, an MRF with 1 pyramid level will the base level, plus an additional, less resolute pyramid level).
For example, consider tile dimensions that are 25 x 25 pixels, and the input raster is 100 x 100 pixels. If three pyramid levels are requested, only two will be generated because the first pyramid level will use four 25 x 25 tiles, and the second pyramid level will use one 25 x 25 tile.
If the Number of Pyramid Levels to Generate is set to fewer than the highest amount possible (considering the tile dimensions), the writer will honor the limitation set by this parameter.
Default: 0

Sets the compression strategy to be used when writing the data file. This can be any of:

Sets the rate of compression. The value of this parameter must be an integer in the range 1-100.
Note that this number determines how much the raster will be compressed, so a rate of 100 will be maximally compressed, and a rate of 1 will be minimally compressed. If a compression strategy is selected that does not support quality (TIFF and NONE will disable this parameter), the quality of the raster will be unchanged.
Default: 25

Determines the size of tiles written to the data file. Note that these parameters limit the number of pyramid levels that can possibly be generated as the smallest pyramid is that which can fit on a single tile. Note that smaller tile sizes will proportionately slow down performance.
Default: 512

Sets the interleave order for the bands in the data file. This can be either BIP (Band Interleaved by Pixel) or BSQ (Band-Sequential Order):
- BIP: The first pixel of all bands is stored sequentially, followed by the second pixel of all bands, and so on.
- BSQ: All of the data for a single band is stored, followed by all the data for the next band, and so on.