You are here: FME Quick Translator > User Interface > Setting Format Parameter Defaults

Setting Format Parameter Defaults

You change the defaults for frequently used settings in most format parameter dialogs. For example, you might want to permanently set a default file, server names and user accounts for databases.

Many parameter boxes have a Defaults button, with the following options:

  • Save as My Defaults: Edit a field, then choose this option to save the parameter.
  • Reset to FME Defaults: Changes the field back to the standard (FME) defaults.
  • Reset to My Defaults: If you manually edit this field, you can reset it back to your own defaults. Note, however, that you cannot restore your own defaults after resetting to FME defaults.

Using the New Defaults

  • Start a new workspace and specify the format for which you changed defaults.
  • Click the Parameters button to open the Settings box. The new default settings will appear.

Restoring Original Defaults

You can restore original FME defaults to all formats by choosing Reset to FME Defaults.

WARNING: Restoring defaults will remove all custom defaults that you have entered.