Backing Up an FME Server Configuration
- Select Backup & Restore > Backup. The Backup & Restore page opens on the Backup tab.
- Backup To:
Resource Location
Saves the backup (.fsconfig) file to a specified location on the Resources page.
- Filename: (Optional) Edit the name of the backup file.
- Choose Resource Folder: Select the Resource folder to contain the backup file. To open a higher-level folder, double-click on it. We recommend saving to a location inside the Backup folder, or to an Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3 bucket connection, if defined.
Post to Topic on Success/Failure: (Optional) FME Server is pre-configured to publish content about the success or failure of a backup or restore operation. By default, this content is delivered to the MIGRATION_ASYNC_JOB_SUCCESS notification service topic. You can configure a notification service subscriber to notify you over a supported protocol when a backup or restore succeeds or fails. By default, the Migration_Email_JobSuccess and Migration_Email_JobFailure subscribers, which use the E-mail protocol, are subscribed to the MIGRATION_ASYNC_JOB_SUCCESS topic. When configured completely, these subscribers can send you an e-mail each time a backup or restore succeeds or fails. For more information, see Monitoring FME Server Activity with Notifications.
- Click Save. The backup file saves to the specified Resource location, accompanied by a message.
Local File
Downloads the backup (.fsconfig) file to your local system.
- Filename: (Optional) Edit the name of the backup file.
- Click Download. The backup file downloads.