Denodo Reader

Licensing options for this format begin with FME Professional Edition.

The Denodo reader module provides FME with access to attribute data held in Denodo database tables. FME provides read access via Denodo's JDBC driver.

Denodo’s JDBC driver is not bundled with FME, but can be installed as part of Denodo Express. To install Denodo Express, please visit


Denodo’s JDBC driver is located at

<Denodo folder location>/lib/vdp-jdbcdriver-core/denodo-vdp-jdbcdriver.jar

within the installed Denodo Express folder.

Please note that in order for Denodo’s JDBC driver to work correctly, the version of the driver must match the version of the Denodo server used.

For help with installing the JDBC driver for FME, please see Getting Started with JDBC.