You are here: FME Quick TranslatorRunning a TranslationViewing the Log File

Viewing the Log File

You may find it useful to save a text file of statistics or other processing information from a translation run. You can save the displayed text by clicking or choosing Save As from the Log menu.

Enter a filename in the dialog box that appears, and click Save.

To copy and paste text, select the text that you want to copy and then perform one of the following actions:

  • Click .
  • Select Log > Copy.
  • Press Ctrl+C.
  • Right-click the selected text to display a context menu.

Then paste the text into a file with a text editor, and save that file.

To search for a keyword or text string in the log, click , or press Ctrl+F. To search for the same text again, click , or press the F3 button.