You are here: FME Workbench > Workspace Navigator > Advanced Reader Parameters

Advanced Reader Parameters

Character Encoding

This parameter allows you to choose a different character encoding than the default (defined in the source file).

Limiting the Number of Features to Read

You can limit the number of features that you want Workbench to read, and then set the feature number at which to start. This feature is useful if, for example, you have a table that contains many spatial elements and you want to process only a portion of those elements for testing purposes.

Open the Advanced parameter under the reader, then double click Max features to read to set the maximum limit, and then Start feature to set a feature above 1.

In this example, when you run the Workspace, it will only read the ROADS feature type, starting at feature 1, to a limit of 1000.

Setting the Feature Types to Read

This option is a quick way to restrict the number of feature types to be read, especially if a workspace references dozens of source feature types and not all of them are required during a translation run.

Double click Feature Types To Read and check the applicable feature types in the dialog that appears.

Click OK to accept the changes, and the feature types will appear in the parameter below:

Alternatively, you can enable/disable a source feature type connection to achieve the same result.

Since you can publish this parameter, you can also use it to restrict feature types for reading from the command line. Once the parameter is published, a sample command line is shown in the log. For example:

fme.exe <workspace>.fmw --FeatureTypesToRead "<roads> <streets>"