Specifying the FTP Notification

The following reserved keywords can be used in the notification content to modify FTP subscription settings:

  • ftp_host
  • ftp_port
  • ftp_username
  • ftp_password
  • ftp_encryption
  • ftp_transfertype
  • ftp_destpath
  • ftp_sourcepath
  • ftp_connectiontype - Can be ("Active" or "Passive"). Passive Mode requires your FTP server to create connections using port numbers greater than 1023. Active Mode uses only ports 20 and 21 on the FTP server.

Note  File paths must be specified using forward slashes (/) or escaped backslashes (\\).
Note  If a notification message is sent from the FME Flow REST API and it contains an unstructured text message, the value of the subscriber_content keyword contains the content of the text message.


Below is an example of notification content for an FTP subscription:


ftp_host : "ftphost",

ftp_port : "21",

ftp_username : "ftpuser",

ftp_password : "ftppassword",

ftp_encryption : "Plain",

ftp_transfertype : "Auto",

ftp_destpath : "/dest/hello/world",

ftp_sourcepath : "D:/test.jpg",

tp_connectiontype : "Active"


Upon receiving this notification, the FTP subscriber uploads test.jpg to the destination path.