[Name] ACTIVECHOICE [Description] A variation of the normal CHOICE drop down; ACTIVECHOICE allows each item to be associated with another GUI element - if an item is chosen, the corresponding GUI element becomes disabled. - If the ACTIVECHOICE is used to disable some parameters, those parameters will end up having the value placed into them when the transformer template is expanded. Then you may require special Tcl processing or upgrading of their underlying functions/factories so that they correctly ignore for such parameters. When writing this processing code do NOT check for but rather check the value of the ACTIVECHOICE. - Be aware that if the ACTIVECHOICE parameter is linked to a user parameter, the GUI can NOT know the value of the choice until runtime. As a result, it will write out ALL the dependent parameters to the mapping file. - When setting the default values for your transformer with ACTIVECHOICE, set them consistently to what the GUI would normally save. This probably means the default value for some dependent parameters will be . - If your CHOICE part in ACTIVECHOICE contains spaces, you'll have to escape some quotes (see under Example). - If the parameter disabled by ACTIVECHOICE is required (not OPTIONAL), doesn't have a default value but the initial state of transformer is such that the parameter is disabled, then that parameter should be set to an internal default value of "". This will prevent the transformer to appear as "incomplete" when it is dropped on the workspace canvas. - for reader/writers, the value of an active choice lookup must be different than the names of the parameters. Otherwise, the parameter renaming code done during the generate process will affect the value of the lookup (see issue FMEENGINE-63449) - For the ACTIVECHOICE, prefixing the parameter name with '++' will force the value of the referenced parameter to be set regardless of whether or not the user has edited the value prior. A '+' will not overwrite user edits of the referenced parameter. For example transformers that use the '+' and '++' syntax see PointCloudSplitter and PointCloudCoercer. - You can use the active choice to affect the following behavior of other parameters using the ++ syntax and setting the value to one of the constants below: FME_DISCLOSURE_OPEN | FME_DISCLOSURE_CLOSED : opens/closes a disclosure group. For example, ++PARM_NAME+FME_DISCLOSURE_CLOSED will set the group macro named PARM_NAME to be closed In a Transformer (*.fmx) File Syntax PARAMETER_NAME: PARAMETER_TYPE: ACTIVECHOICE [,]*[,+++value]*[,++value]*[%[,]*[,+++value]*[,++value]*]* PARAMETER_PROMPT: