Syntax @ZValue([(|)[,[,]]]) Arguments The value of the z coordinate stored in the feature. Range: Real Number The name of a list attribute that contains coordinates to be stored in the feature. Range: attribute name containing {} exactly once. Boolean for whether to keep previous Z value if there was one. Range: Yes|No Rejection code for features that get rejected. Range: String Description The @ZValue function stores the specified value as the z coordinate in the feature. If the feature contains multiple coordinates, then all coordinates will be set to the specified z-value. If a list attribute is specified in place of a value, then all the values in that list are supplied as successive coordinates to the feature. When used as an attribute value function, the z-value parameter is not specified. In this case, @ZValue returns the value of the first z coordinate of the feature. This value is then stored in the attribute. Warning: @ZValue() should generally be used in conjunction with @XValue() and @YValue(). If @ZValue() is used on its own, it is possible to create a feature with a different number of X, Y and Z values. If keepZValue is "Yes", then the existing z-values of the feature will not be overwritten, otherwise they will get value from z-value parameter. If rejectionCode is specified and an attribute contains an invalid z-value, feature is rejected.