Syntax FACTORY_DEF VectorToRasterFactory [FACTORY_NAME ] [INPUT (VECTOR|RASTER) FEATURE_TYPE [ ]* []*]* [ANTI_ALIASING (yes|no)] [TOLERANCE ] [HEIGHT ] [WIDTH ] [X_CELL_SIZE ] [Y_CELL_SIZE ] [GROUND_EXTENTS_MINX ] [GROUND_EXTENTS_MINY ] [GROUND_EXTENTS_MAXX ] [GROUND_EXTENTS_MAXY ] [INTERPRETATION_TYPE ] [ALPHA ] [BACKGROUND_COLOR ] [BACKGROUND_ALPHA ] [BACKGROUND_VALUE ] [FILL_WITH_NODATA (yes|no)] [COMPOSITE_USING_ALPHA_BAND (yes|no)] [POINTCLOUD_INTERPRETATION (COLOR | INTENSITY)] [GROUP_BY []+]* [MERGE_INCOMING_ATTR (yes|no)] [ATTR_ACCUM_MODE (HANDLE_CONFLICT|PREFIX_INCOMING|INCOMING_ONLY)] [ATTR_CONFLICT_RES (ORIGINAL_IF_CONFLICT|INCOMING_IF_CONFLICT)] [INCOMING_ATTR_PREFIX ] [LIST_NAME ] [LIST_ATTRS_TO_INCLUDE []* ] [LIST_ATTRS_TO_INCLUDE_MODE (ALL|SELECTED)] [OUTPUT RASTER FEATURE_TYPE [ ]* []*]* Overview This factory takes a set of point, linear, polygonal, donut and/or point cloud features, and renders them onto the resulting raster. If a raster feature is supplied on the RASTER input tag, the properties of the output raster are taken from that input raster. If not, the properties of the resulting raster will be based on the various input options. In order to be drawn on color bands, all vector features except point clouds must have an fme_color attribute. Polygonal features may also optionally have an fme_fill_color attribute; in this case, the outer boundary will be drawn using fme_color and the inner area will be drawn using fme_fill_color. Pixel values for red, green, and blue bands will be taken from the corresponding component of a feature's color attribute. Pixel values for gray bands will be the average of the color components. Pixel values for alpha bands may be specified through the ALPHA parameter. In order to draw point clouds on color bands, the POINTCLOUD_INTERPRETATION specifies which component of the point should be used to set the color of the raster pixel. If the parameter is set to Color, the points in the cloud must have a color component. If the parameter is set to Intensity, the points in the cloud must have an intensity component. The intensity component is converted to a color using a grayscale continuum where the minimum intensity in the cloud is black and the maximum intensity in the cloud is white. In order to be drawn on numeric bands, vector features must have have Z coordinates. Pixel values for numeric bands will be taken from the Z coordinates. This factory currently supports non-planar 3D lines but will render all 3D polygons as planar polygons. If the MERGE_INCOMING_ATTR is YES, then any conflicts between features with same attributes are to be resolved. The ATTR_ACCUM_MODE's value is the way of resolving the conflicts and its possible values are: HANDLE_CONFLICT, PREFIX_INCOMING and INCOMING_ONLY. If HANDLE_CONFLICT is chosen, we need to provide ATTR_CONFLICT_RES, and its possible values are: ORIGINAL_IF_CONFLICT and INCOMING_IF_CONFLICT. If PREFIX_INCOMING, we need to provide prefix with INCOMING_ATTR_PREFIX. If LIST_NAME is given, then a list will be created on each output feature, containing an element for each input feature which is a supplier for the feature. The optional LIST_ATTRS_TO_INCLUDE_MODE will specify if ALL attributes should be added to a list, or if only the SELECTED attributes (specified with the LIST_ATTRS_TO_INCLUDE clause) should be added to the list. If this value is not specified, it defaults to ALL. Parameters for No Raster Input ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The parameters described in this section are only applicable when no input raster feature is present. When a raster is present, values for these parameters are implied by the properties of the input raster. The size of the output raster can be determined by specifying either both HEIGHT and WIDTH, or both X_CELL_SIZE and Y_CELL_SIZE. The GROUND_EXTENTS_* clauses may optionally be used to specify the extents of the output raster. All four keywords must be specified in order for them to be applied. If the extents are not explicitly specified, the output raster extents will be determined by the union of the bounding boxes of the valid input vector features. The INTERPRETATION parameter sets the interpretation of the output raster. This clause is only applicable when no raster feature is supplied. Valid interpretations are RGB24, RGB48, RGBA32, RGBA64, RED8, RED16, GREEN8, GREEN16, BLUE8, BLUE16, ALPHA8, ALPHA16, GRAY8, GRAY16, INT8, INT16, INT32, INT64, UINT8, UINT16, UINT32, UINT64, REAL32, and REAL64. If this clause is unspecified, the first vector feature will be used to determine the type of the raster. If it has an fme_color attribute, then a raster with interpretation RGB48 will be created. Otherwise, if it has Z coordinate values, a raster with interpretation REAL64 will be created. The BACKGROUND_COLOR, BACKGROUND_ALPHA, and BACKGROUND_VALUE clauses control the fill value that will be used to fill portions of the raster containing no vector input. The BACKGROUND_COLOR parameter sets the background color for red, green, blue, or gray bands. The color must be specified as ,, where each of , , and is a number between 0 and 1. The BACKGROUND_ALPHA parameter sets the background value for any alpha bands on the raster. It must also be a number between 0 and 1. The BACKGROUND_VALUE parameter sets the background value for all other interpretations. If FILL_WITH_NODATA is set to yes, the background fill color or fill value will also be flagged as the nodata value for each raster band. Parameters for Raster Input ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The parameters described in this section are only applicable when an input raster feature is present. If COMPOSITE_USING_ALPHA_BAND is set to yes, input rasters will be expected to have an alpha band selected. Vector features will then be blended with the underlying raster according to their alpha values, rather than just overwriting the underlying raster. Common Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The parameters described in this section apply regardless of whether an input raster feature is present. The input features may be partitioned into groups based on attribute values using the GROUP_BY clause and one raster feature is output for each group. If the GROUP_BY clause is not specified, then all input features will be processed together and a single raster will be output. Attributes specified in the GROUP_BY clause are carried across from the INPUT features to the OUTPUT RASTER features. Specifying the parameter ANTI_ALIASING as yes will perform line smoothing on the drawn lines. Setting the option to no will not perform this smoothing. When anti-aliasing is not set, the TOLERANCE parameter must be given a value; this parameter is the maximum normalized distance from a line segment or polygon vertex to a pixel to be rendered. A TOLERANCE of 1.0 will turn on all pixels touched by a line, while a TOLERANCE of 0.0 will only turn on those pixels where the line passes directly through the center. Input Tags The VectorToRasterFactory supports the following input tags. VECTOR The vector features which will be rasterized onto the resultant raster. RASTER The feature to use as the background raster of the resultant raster. This must be a raster feature or an error will occur. Using this input is optional. Output Tags The VectorToRasterFactory supports the following output tag. RASTER The raster drawn from a group of features.