Syntax @Transform(,[,]) Arguments The name of the format from which the feature was read. Range: any metafile in the metafiles directory OR FME_GENERIC The name of the format that is the destination of the feature. Range: any metafile in the metafiles directory OR FME_GENERIC Specifies whether the format-specific attributes should be linked to the generic attributes. See below. Default is GEOMETRY. Range: (GEOMETRY|NAMES|TYPES|DEF_LINES|OVERWRITE_DEST_FORMAT_ATTRS| ALIAS_GEOMETRY|PRESERVE_GEOMETRY|SCHEMA) Description This function transforms a feature by adding the geometry attributes used by the destination format to based on those supplied to the feature by the source format. For example, the MIF reader uses the special attribute mif_type to hold the kind of entity that was read. The ACAD uses autocad_entity for this purpose. When @Transform(MIF,ACAD) is invoked, an autocad_entity attribute will be added to the feature with the appropriate value corresponding to the value of mif_type. If the mif_type was mif_polyline, then the value for autocad_entity will be autocad_line. Any additional attributes required by the autocad_entity will also be created and given the correct values. If the mif_type was mif_arc, then the value for mif_primary_axis would be added as the value for autocad_primary_axis. A pseudo-format name called FME_GENERIC is available to convert from the generic fme_type to and from specific format representations. The allowed values for fme_type, together with any special attributes used, are described in the FME Universal Translator on-line help files, in the section FME Architecture. By default, all FME features have the FME_GENERIC attributes when the mapping file. However, it is possible for operations in the mapping file to lose these attributes. The parameter specifies whether the created format-specific attributes will be "linked" to the generic FME attributes they came from. If this parameter is set to ALIAS_GEOMETRY, then the attributes will be linked. In this case, if either the format-specific or generic attribute is changed, the other will be changed with it. In addition, if the fme_type attribute of the feature is changed, the format-specific type attribute (for example, igds_type) will be removed. If the parameter is set to PRESERVE_GEOMETRY, no such linking is done. The default value for the parameter is GEOMETRY. TO BE RESOLVED GEOMETRY|NAMES|TYPES|DEF_LINES|OVERWRITE_DEST_FORMAT_ATTRS|PRESERVE_GEOMETRY added to range in Arguments section above, but not documented.