Syntax FACTORY_DEF TransformFact: [FACTORY_NAME ] [INPUT FEATURE_TYPE [ ]* []*]+ [GROUP_BY []+]* [MULTI_PROCESS (NO_PARALLELISM|MINIMAL|MODERATE|AGGRESSIVE|EXTREME)] [PROCESS_GROUP_BY []+]* [FACTORY_META_PARAMS *] [MAPPING_FILE_DATA] [OUTPUT * FEATURE_TYPE [ ]* []*]* Overview This special factory allows for the factory level usage of a transformer. It has two principal uses: looping for custom transformers and multi-process support. The factory has the following clauses that specify details on how to call the specified transformer. The clauses are as follows: GROUP_BY When not running in multi-process mode, this factory supports group-by for transformers that do not have native support. PROCESS_GROUP_BY These attributes are used to determine the groups to be processed by spawned child processes. Best practices are to ensure that the number of groups is relatively small, as one new process will be launched for each group. MULTI_PROCESS The value here provides a hint to FME as to the number of processes that should be spawned simultaneously. Licensing will also limit the allowed number of processes. MINIMAL will launch enough processes to occupy 50% of the logical processors, MODERATE will launch 100%, AGGRESSIVE will launch 150% and EXTREME will launch at 200%. FACTORY_META_PARAMS A comma separated list of parameters for instantiating the desired transformer. Two special prefixes, TRANSFORMER_PARAMS and TRANSFORMER_NAME are used to delimit the transformer name and parameters. Input and Output Tags The TransformFactory requires that the input and output tags are compatible with the requested transformer. TO BE RESOLVED MAPPING_FILE_DATA clause not documented.