Syntax FACTORY_DEF SherbendFactory [FACTORY_NAME ] [INPUT (LINES|POINTS) FEATURE_TYPE [ ]* []*]* [GROUP_BY []+]* [FLUSH_WHEN_GROUPS_CHANGE (Yes|No)] [DIAMETER ] [MAX_ITERATIONS ] [CONSTRAINTS (SELF_INTERSECTION_ENABLED | LINE_LINE_INTERSECTION_ENABLED | SIDEDNESS_ENABLED)+] [ONE_BEND_PER_ITERATION [(YES|NO)]] [ROTATE_CLOSED_LINES [(YES|NO)]] [MODE (QUICK|COMPLETE)] [OUTPUT (LINES|CONFLICTS|INVALID) FEATURE_TYPE [ ]* []*]* Overview To be documented. Input Tags The SherbendFactory supports the following input tags. LINES Input lines will be simplified. They are assumed to not self-intersect or intersect with another line or point. POINTS Input points will prevent bend simplification if a simplified bend violates the partial sidedness constraint. Clauses The SherbendFactory supports the following clauses. GROUP_BY Only lines and points in the same group are subject to constraint checking. If no group is specified, all lines and points are placed in the same group. FLUSH_WHEN_GROUPS_CHANGE If the GROUP_BY clause is specified, this clause (when set to Yes) will cause the factory to process and output the current group immediately when an attribute that does not belong to the current group is encountered. DIAMETER This parameter roughly describes the width of a bend below which the bend will be simplified. Different lines can have different diameters specified as an attribute. The bigger the diameter, the more likely bends will be simplified. CONSTRAINTS Topological constraints selected. ROTATE_CLOSED_LINES This parameter, if enabled, will re-order (rotate) the coordinate list of each closed line in an attempt to improve the aesthetics of the simplified lines. MAX_ITERATIONS To be documented. ONE_BEND_PER_ITERATION To be documented. Output Tags The SherbendFactory supports the following output tags. LINES Simplified lines. CONFLICTS Bends that can not be reduced due to various constraints. INVALID Input features with invalid geometry. TO BE RESOLVED Overview section, MAX_ITERATIONS and ONE_BEND_PER_ITERATION clauses need to be documented.