Syntax FACTORY_DEF ServerLogFileRetrieverFactory [FACTORY_NAME ] [INPUT FEATURE_TYPE [ ]* []*]* SERVER_NAME SERVER_PORT [USERNAME ] [PASSWORD ] LOG_ATTR JOB_ID [OUTPUT (SUCCEEDED|FAILED) FEATURE_TYPE [ ]* []*]* Overview This factory can be used to retriever log files from jobs on FME servers. Each feature corresponds to one request made to the server. Features that successfully retrieves log files from the server will have a new attribute added (specified in LOG_ATTR clause) which stores the log file retrieved by the server. Such features will be passed through the SUCCEEDED output. For any reason that the log file could not be retrieved from the server (invalid host, port number, job ID, etc.) the features will be output through the FAILED port. In addition, the reason is specified by the attribute _job_failure_type. Clauses SERVER_NAME The server that hosts the FME Server Default: None SERVER_PORT The port that the FME Server listens for incoming requests Default: None USERNAME The user name used to connect to FME server. Default: None PASSWORD The password used to connect to FME server. Default: None LOG_ATTR The attribute name to be added to the feature with the value being the retrieved log file contents. Default: None JOB_ID The attribute name containing the ID of the job to request the log file for. Output Tags The ServerLogFileRetrieverFactory supports the following output tags SUCCEEDED Features that successfully retrieved the log file from the server. FAILED Features that failed to retrieve the log file from the server.