Syntax FACTORY_DEF ServerJobWaitingFactory [FACTORY_NAME ] [INPUT FEATURE_TYPE [ ]* []*]* SERVER_NAME SERVER_PORT [USERNAME ] [PASSWORD ] JOB_ID POLLING_INTERVAL [ATTR_PREFIX ] [OUTPUT (SUCCEEDED|FAILED) FEATURE_TYPE [ ]* []*]* Overview This factory can be used to wait until submitted FME Spatial ETL jobs are completely processed by an FME Server. The SERVER_NAME and SERVER_PORT are the server host and port number that identify the FME Server where the jobs were submitted. The optional USERNAME and PASSWORD may be needed in order to gain access to the server. The list of jobs to wait for is identified by the job IDs of the input features. When a job that it is waiting for is completed, it outputs the corresponding feature immediately. The time interval for this transformer to wait between inquiries into the status of each job is specified by the Polling Interval. This is measured in seconds and can be entered as an integer value or an integer attribute. This parameter should not be set too small as this not only impacts the resources on the client, but also on the FME Server responding to each query. Generally use as large value as possible for this parameter. For example, if the job is expected to take about 20 minutes, then it is not efficient to set the Polling Interval to a few seconds. Clauses SERVER_NAME The server that hosts the FME Server Default: None SERVER_PORT The port that the FME Server listens for incoming requests Default: None USERNAME The user name used to connect to FME server. Default: None PASSWORD The password used to connect to FME server. Default: None JOB_ID The ID that identifies one FME job. Default: None POLLING_INTERVAL Polling interval in seconds. ATTR_PREFIX Each response from the server from running the workspace is added as a new attribute to the feature, with the prefix specified here. Output Tags The ServerJobWaitingFactory supports the following output tags. SUCCEEDED Features that successfully get requests to the server. FAILED Features that failed to get the requests to the server. An additional attribute _job_failure_type is added to the feature that holds one of the "Incomplete Parameters", "Connection or Server Problem" or "Translation Failed".