Syntax FACTORY_DEF ServerJobSubmissionFactory [FACTORY_NAME ] [INPUT FEATURE_TYPE [ ]* []*]* BLOCKING (yes|no) SERVER_NAME SERVER_PORT [USERNAME ] [PASSWORD ] REPOSITORY WORKSPACE_NAME [WORKSPACE_PARAMETERS ,[,,]* SUBSECTION JOB_ID [ATTR_PREFIX ] [TM_TAG ] [DATASET_OVERRIDE (YES|NO)] [OUTPUT (SUCCEEDED|FAILED) FEATURE_TYPE [ ]* []*]* Overview This factory can be used to submit or run jobs on FME servers. If BLOCKING is set to yes, then this factory waits until the job is processed by the server before proceeding. Upon completion, each response by the server will be added as an attribute to the feature, with the prefix specified in the ATTR_PREFIX. If BLOCKING is set to no, this factory can proceed as soon as the job is submitted to the server. Workspace Parameters are used to specify the published parameters used by the workspace to be run or submitted to the server. Each feature corresponds to one request made to the server. Features that successfully submit requests to the server will have a new attribute added (specified in JOB_ID clause) which denotes the job ID assigned by the server. Such features will be passed through the SUCCEEDED output. For any reason that the requests cannot be submitted to the server (invalid host, port number, workspace, or repository, etc.) the features will be output through the FAILED port. Clauses BLOCKING (yes|no) Controls if the factory waits for the job completion before proceeding. Default: None Example: BLOCKING yes SERVER_NAME The server that hosts the FME Server Default: None SERVER_PORT The port that the FME Server listens for incoming requests Default: None USERNAME The user name used to connect to FME server. Default: None PASSWORD The password used to connect to FME server. Default: None REPOSITORY The repository that contains the workspace. Default: None WORKSPACE_NAME The workspace to be submitted to FME Server. Default: None WORKSPACE_PARAMETERS ,[,,]* The published parameter and value pairs used to run the workspace. Any ',' character in the value must be replaced with . Default: None SUBSECTION The subsection name used by the server. Example: SUBSECTION SERVER_CONSOLE_CLIENT JOB_ID The attribute name to be added to the feature with the value being the job id assigned by the server. ATTR_PREFIX Each response from the server from running the workspace is added as new attribute to the feature, with the prefix specified here. TM_TAG The tag used with FME Server's job routing. Default: None DATASET_OVERRIDE (YES|NO) When job is run using a child process, indicates whether or not the output data location should be overridden (to a temporary directory). If not, the location(s) specified by the workspace will be used. Default: YES Output Tags The ServerJobSubmissionFactory supports the following output tags SUCCEEDED Features that successfully submitted the requests to the server. FAILED Features that failed to submit the requests to the server.