Syntax FACTORY_DEF ServerDataDownloadFactory [FACTORY_NAME ] [INPUT FEATURE_TYPE [ ]* []*]* [SERVER_HOST ] DATADOWNLOAD_URL DATAUPLOAD_URL [USERNAME ] [PASSWORD ] REPOSITORY WORKSPACE_NAME UPLOAD_FILES [,]* WORKSPACE_PARAMS ,[,,]* JOB_PRIORITY DOWNLOAD_MODE (DO_NOT_DOWNLOAD|DOWNLOAD_DIRECTLY|EMAIL_RESULTS) [TARGET_PATH ] [EMAIL_RECIPIENTS ] [OUTPUT (SUCCEEDED|FAILED) FEATURE_TYPE [ ]* []*]* Overview This factory can be used to run jobs on an FME Server. Optionally, this factory can upload files used for the job, and download results locally when the FME Server job is complete. This factory uses FME Server's REST capabilities. This factory will submit jobs to FME Server's Data Download Service. Please ensure that the Data Download Service is enabled on the target FME Server. Specify the URL to connect to the service in DATADOWNLOAD_URL. If files are required to be uploaded, this factory can use FME Server's Data Upload Service to upload the files to the FME Server, so that they can be used in the job. To use this feature, please ensure that the Data Upload Service is enabled on the target FME Server. Specify the URL needed to connect to the service in DATAUPLOAD_URL, and the files to upload in UPLOAD_FILES. If security is enabled on the FME Server, specify USERNAME and PASSWORD. The job to run can be specified by REPOSITORY and WORKSPACE_NAME. WORKSPACE_PARAMETERS are used to specify any published parameters used by the workspace. For parameters that reference files to be uploaded, specify the local path used in UPLOAD_FILES. DOWNLOAD_MODE is used to determine how the factory will respond after a job is submitted. When set to DO_NOT_DOWNLOAD or EMAIL_RESULTS, the factory is not blocking, meaning it will not wait for the job to complete. In the case of EMAIL_RESULTS, the email recipients to notify when the job is complete can be specified in EMAIL_RECIPIENTS. When set to DOWNLOAD_DIRECTLY, the factory will block, meaning it will wait for the job to complete, and download the results to the path specified by TARGET_PATH. Each feature corresponds to one request made to the server. Features that successfully submit requests to the server will be passed through the SUCCEEDED output. For any reason that the requests cannot be submitted to the server, the features will be output through the FAILED port. Clauses DATADOWNLOAD_URL The URL used to connect to an FME Server's Data Download Service. Default: None DATAUPLOAD_URL The URL used to connect to an FME Server's Data Upload Service. Default: None USERNAME [] The user name used to connect to FME server. Default: None PASSWORD [] The password used to connect to FME server. Default: None REPOSITORY The repository that contains the workspace. Default: None WORKSPACE_NAME The workspace to be submitted to FME Server. Default: None UPLOAD_FILES [,]* The list of files to be uploaded to FME Server for the specified job. Default: None WORKSPACE_PARAMS ,[,,]* The published parameter and value pairs used to run the workspace. Any ',' character in the value must be replaced with . If files are uploaded, the local path must be specified. Default: None JOB_PRIORITY The job priority used when submitting the job to the FME Server. The job priority is used to rate the importance of the job. Default: None DOWNLOAD_MODE (DO_NOT_DOWNLOAD|DOWNLOAD_DIRECTLY|EMAIL_RESULTS) The response the factory will take upon successful submission of the job. DO_NOT_DOWNLOAD will perform no additional tasks after the job is submitted. DOWNLOAD_DIRECTLY will force the factory to wait for the job to complete, and download job results to a specified path. EMAIL_RESULTS will inform FME Server to email recipients when the job is complete. Default: None TARGET_PATH The target path to download results from an FME Server. Only used when DOWNLOAD_MODE is set to DOWNLOAD_DIRECTLY. Default: None EMAIL_RECIPIENTS The email recipients that will receive notification from an FME Server when the job is complete. Only used when DOWNLOAD_MODE is set to EMAIL_RESULTS. Output Tags The ServerDataDownloadFactory supports the following output tags SUCCEEDED Features that successfully submitted the requests to the server. FAILED Features that failed to submit the requests to the server. TO BE RESOLVED SERVER_HOST clause added to Syntax section above, but not documented.