Syntax @SerializeGeometry(to_attribute, , [, ]) @SerializeGeometry(from_attribute, , [, ]) Arguments Range: (from_attribute|to_attribute) To specify whether to import or export the geometry of a feature from/to an attribute. Range: (mssql) The string specifying the serialization format of the geometry. Range: String The name of the attribute to have the geometry saved to or retrieved from the feature. Specifies type-specific serialization or deserialize options Type: mssql Range: (geometry|geography) Specifies whether the serialization or deserialization is dealing with geometry or geography formats Description Note: For a method of storing and retrieving geometry in an attribute where the geometry is fully preserved (including measures and complex chains involving arcs), see @Geometry. This command is used to set or get the feature geometry. In both get and set cases, the serialization type can be Microsoft MSSQL binary (mssql). Depending on the string, the attribute given will be the source or destination for the geometry of the feature.