Syntax @Rotate2D([REJECTABLE[,ALLOW_NULLS],] [,, ]) Arguments REJECTABLE If this parameter is specified, then a feature can be rejected if needed instead of failing a workspace. ALLOW_NULLS This modifies the "REJECTABLE" mode. It prevents it from rejecting nulls. Specifies the angle that the feature will be rotated, measured in degrees counterclockwise. Range: Real Value The x-coordinate about which features are rotated. If not specified, the feature will be rotated about the origin. This parameter does not apply when rotating raster geometries. Range: Real Value The y-coordinate about which features are rotated. If not specified, the feature will be rotated about the origin.This parameter does not apply when rotating raster geometries. Range: Real Value Description This command rotates features in a counterclockwise direction about the specified point by the determined angle's number of degrees. If the point around which the rotation is to be performed is not specified, then the feature will be rotated about the origin. Feature with raster geometries support the angle of rotation but ignore the rotateX and rotateY paremeters since raster rotation is around the raster origin which is the upper left corner of the raster.