Syntax @ResampleRaster([REJECTABLE], DIMENSIONS, , [, ]) @ResampleRaster([REJECTABLE], CELL_SIZE, , [, ]) @ResampleRaster([REJECTABLE], PERCENTAGE, , [, ]) Arguments The first argument specifies whether the next two arguments indicate the desired dimensions of the raster, the desired cell size in ground units, or a percentage of the input raster's size. Range: DIMENSIONS | CELL_SIZE | PERCENTAGE The number of rows that the raster should have after resampling. Range: Integer The number of columns that the raster should have after resampling. Range: Integer The horizontal size of the raster's cells, after resampling. Range: Real number The vertical size of the raster's cells, after resampling. Range: Real number The percentage of the input raster's columns. Range: Real number The percentage of the input raster's rows. Range: Real number The type of interpolation to use. Default is NEARESTNEIGHBOR. Range: NEARESTNEIGHBOR | BILINEAR | BICUBIC | AVERAGE4 | AVERAGE16 Description Resamples a raster, given either the desired dimensions of the raster, the desired cell size in ground units, or a percentage of the input raster's size. To resize by dimensions, set to DIMENSIONS and specify values for both and . To resize by cell size, set to CELL_SIZE and specify values for both and . To resize by a percentage of the input raster's size, set to PERCENTAGE and specify values for both and . For example, if the input raster is 1000 rows by 800 columns and both percentages are set to 50 percent, the resulting raster will be 500 rows by 400 columns. Cell values are interpolated in order to change the raster to the specified size; you have the choice of Nearest Neighbor, Bilinear, Bicubic, Average 4 or Average 16 interpolation methods. Nearest Neighbor is the fastest but produces the poorest image quality. Bilinear provides a reasonable balance of speed and quality. Bicubic is the slowest but produces the best image quality. Average 4 and Average 16 have a performance similar to Bilinear and are useful for numeric rasters such as DEMs. If REJECTABLE parameter is specified then if the feature to be rejected will get a rejection code. This function is unaffected by raster band and palette selection.