Syntax @Reproject(,[,COORDINATES_ONLY] [,][,] [,IGNORE_FEATURE_CS] [,RASTER_TOLERANCE,]) @Reproject(,, [,[,[,]*]],-- [,COORDINATES_ONLY][,][,] [,,COORD_SYS_WARNING][,IGNORE_FEATURE_CS] [,RASTER_TOLERANCE,]) @Reproject(,,,[,zFieldName]) @Reproject(,, [,[,[,]*]],-- ,[,zFieldName]) Arguments The name of the source coordinate system. Ignored by the GTRANS engine. Ignored if the input feature has a coordinate system set, unless: 1. the IGNORE_FEATURE_CS flag has been set, or 2. attribute reprojection is occurring Range: Coordinate System Name The name of the destination coordinate system. The GTRANS engine only uses this value to tag features after they have been reprojected independently of this value. GTRANS does not tag features if attributes are being reprojected. Range: Coordinate System Name COORDINATES_ONLY Was used to indicate pre-reproject functions should be ignored. In Reprojector GUI it was exposed as "stroke arcs", which presupposed the existence of stroking pre-reproject funcs. No longer has an impact. IGNORE_FEATURE_CS Causes to be used instead of the feature coordinate system. Not applicable to attribute reprojection. The reprojection engine to use when reprojecting coordinates. Range: FME, ESRI, GTRANS FME (CS-MAP) Engine Parameters When adding new CS-MAP engine parameters, consider how they will affect the following scenarios: * Swedish Direct Projection * Orthometric Heights : Error; could be applied if we put in the effort * Vertcon Heights : Error; not applicable to Swedish datums * Transformation : Causes Direct Projection to be skipped * Danish Direct Projection * Orthometric Heights : Error; could be applied if we put in the effort * Vertcon Heights : Error; not applicable to Danish datums * Transformation : Error; too hard to pick a transformation that makes sense * Dynamic reprojection (AZMED/AZMEA) * Orthometric Heights : Applied as normal; can't see anything conceptually wrong with that * Vertcon Heights : Error; dynamic implies a single datum * Transformation : Error; dynamic implies a single datum This is the optional vertical handling mode. Range: 2D, 3D_ELLIPSOID_HEIGHTS, 3D_ELLIPSOID_TO_ORTHOMETRIC, 3D_ORTHOMETRIC_TO_ELLIPSOID, 3D_VERTCON. Default: 2D This is the path to a Geoid Grid Height .gdc file if was 3D_ELLIPSOID_TO_ORTHOMETRIC or 3D_ORTHOMETRIC_TO_ELLIPSOID. Unused otherwise. This is the transformation to be applied during the datum shift step of reprojection. If no transformation is specified, FME will try to choose a reasonable one, but this choice is not guaranteed to remain unchanged in the future. If a transformation is specified, it will be applied even if the source and target coordinate systems are identical or share a datum. [ (Multistep)][ (Reversed)] e.g. DHDN/BeTA_to_ETRF89 e.g. "DHDN/BeTA_to_ETRF89 (Reversed)" e.g. "DHDN/BeTA_to_WGS84 (Multistep)" e.g. "DHDN/BeTA_to_WGS84 (Multistep) (Reversed)" e.g. DHDN/BeTA_to_WGS84(Multistep)(Reversed) If spaces are present in the transformation triplet then the entire parameter must be enclosed by quotes. Parens are not valid characters in CS-MAP identifiers, so modifiers have an unambiguous meaning. Spaces will be ignored except when the space is part of the transformation name. It is assumed that we will never see transformations that include trailing spaces in their names. ESRI Engine Parameters This is the optional geotransformation name or GEOGTRAN Well Known Text. This is the geotransformation direction (either "forward" or "reverse"). This is the epoch parameter. Necessary for time-dependent transformations. e.g. 2020.5 ,, Source coordinate system, destination coordinate system, and transformation name for vertical transformation. STRICT_COORDSYS_VALIDATION Error when provided invalid coordinate system within or . Does not error when parameter not present. GTRANS Engine Parameters This is the translation file path. Paths containing spaces must be surrounded by quotes. This is the inverse translation file path and is used only for rasters. Paths containing spaces must be surrounded by quotes. For raster reprojection, determines how the cell size of the output raster will be calculated. See the Reprojector transformer help text. Range: SquareCells, StretchCells, PreserveCells For raster reprojection, determines how each cell is interpolated. See the Reprojector transformer help text. Range: NEARESTNEIGHBOR, BILINEAR, BICUBIC, AVERAGE4, AVERAGE16 The name of the attribute containing the x coordinate value. Range: Attribute Name The name of the attribute containing the y coordinate value. Range: Attribute Name The name of the attribute containing the z coordinate value. Range: Attribute Name COORD_SYS_WARNING Issue a warning that the chosen source coordinate system will be ignored in favour of the feature coordinate system. The name of the transformer issuing the warning. RASTER_TOLERANCE Sets the tolerance for approximating cell locations for raster reprojection, in cells. Valid arguments for this option are non-negative floating point values. If a value > 0.0 is specified, rather than reprojecting every single cell location in the raster, some cell locations will be approximated. The difference between an approximated cell location and the true cell location should be at most this value. For example, if a value of 0.5 is specified, each approximated cell location should be at most half a pixel away from its true location. The default is 0.0. Specifying a value > 0.0 may improve performance. Description The @Reproject function is only required in rare cases during FME translations. The recommended approach to performing coordinate conversions is to use the _COORDINATE_SYSTEM and _ COORDINATE_SYSTEM. Search Coordinate System Support in the FME Universal Translator on-line help. This function provides direct access to the FME's coordinate conversion capabilities. With this function, feature coordinates may be converted from one coordinate system to another during data translation. When executed in the forward direction on the destination line of a feature correlation or on an INPUT or OUTPUT clause of a factory definition, the coordinate conversion operation is performed in the forward direction. In this case, coordinates are converted from the source coordinate system to the destination coordinate system. If xFieldName, yFieldName, and optionally zFieldName are specified, then a single point coordinate conversion will be performed on the values of these attributes. The resulting new coordinates will be stored back into these same attributes. In this case, the feature's geometry coordinates are left untouched. If the fieldnames specified contain the string "{}", the fields are assumed to be lists and all coordinates in those lists will be reprojected. Tip: The field name parameters are usually used to convert the coordinates of an inside point, often stored as an attribute of a polygonal feature. When xFieldName, yFieldName and zFieldName are not specified, the coordinate conversions are performed on the geometry of the feature. This is the usual mode of operation. In this mode, if the input features have a coordinate system defined, that system is used as the source of the reprojection, and the sourceCS parameter is ignored (destCS in the case of inverse operation). All of the relevant control points and properties of arcs, ellipses, and text are reprojected. Arcs and ellipses are only stroked when maintaining them as arcs and ellipses would introduce significant distortion. interpolationType only has an effect on raster. NearestNeighbor is the fastest but produces the poorest image quality. Bicubic is the slowest but produces the best image quality. Bilinear provides a reasonable intermediate option. Average4 and Average16 have a performance similar to Average4 and can be useful for numeric rasters such as DEMs. rasterCellSize also only applies to raster features. If it is set to StretchCells, the cell size of the raster will be adjusted to maintain the same number of rows and columns in the reprojected raster as there were in the input raster. If it is set to SquareCells, the number of rows and columns as well as the spacing will be changed to maintain approximately the same cell ground area and form square cells where the horizontal and vertical cell sizes are equal. Like the SquareCells option, PreserveCells will change both the number of rows and columns and the spacing to maintain cell ground area, but will also try to preserve the original cell aspect ratio, taking into account any warping caused by the reprojection. Note: If the source coordinate system is not fixed and may change from feature to feature, and the features themselves have been tagged with a coordinate system from the reader that produced them, then a single Reprojector may still be able to be used. In such a case, both the source and destination coordinate system can be set to the same value - the destination coordinate system - and the desired behavior will be accomplished. This function is currently unaffected by raster and/or palette sub-selection.