Syntax @ReplaceRasterCellValues( [REJECTABLE,] [, , ,]+ []) Arguments REJECTABLE Specifies if the function will supply a rejection code and message to the invalid feature and output it to the rejected port, or will fail upon being supplied invalid features. A feature can be rejected for the following reasons: - The feature has invalid geometry - The raster has no bands The lower bound of a range of values to replace. All values in the source raster greater than or equal to this value will be replaced by the new value. This value will be scaled to a valid value in the data range of the source raster. At least one of the greater than value or the less than value must be specified. Range: Real64 The upper bound of a range of values to replace. All values in the source raster less than or equal to this value will be replaced by the new value. This value will be scaled to a valid value in the data range of the source raster. At least one of the greater than value or the less than value must be specified. Range: Real64 The value with which to replace the specified range of values. Range: Real64 The ReplaceNodata and DoNotReplaceNodata options specify whether nodata values will be replaced. If ReplaceNodata is selected, nodata values will be replaced just as any other values. If DoNotReplaceNodata is selected, then nodata values will not be replaced, even if they fall within the specified bounds. If this parameter is not specified, ReplaceNodata is the default. Range: ReplaceNodata | DoNotReplaceNodata Description This function is used to replace values in a raster with new values. The upper and lower bounds can specify either a range of values within the raster to replace or a single value to replace. To replace all values less than a given value, simply specify the parameter without specifying the parameter, and provide a new value with which to replace that range. To replace all values greater than a given value, simply specify the parameter without specifying the parameter, and again provide a new value with which to replace the range. To replace a single value, simply provide identical values for the and parameters. To replace all values except for a single value, you must specify a exceeding the value you do not want to be replaced, and a smaller than the value you do not want to be replaced. These values may vary depending on the precision of the source raster's data type. Parameter values will be scaled appropriately to the source raster's data type, and set to the largest or smallest possible value for that data type in cases where they are too large or small. Rasters that contain bands with palettes are not supported at this time. This function supports sub selection of raster bands.