Syntax FACTORY_DEF RasterToVectorFactory [FACTORY_NAME ] [INPUT FEATURE_TYPE [ ]* []*]* [PRESERVE_ATTRIBUTES (YES|NO)] [RASTER_ID_ATTRIBUTE ] [BAND_ID_ATTRIBUTE ] [COLUMN_ATTRIBUTE ] [ROW_ATTRIBUTE ] [EXTRACT_NODATA (YES|NO)] [EXTRACT_VALUES_AS_ATTRIBUTES (YES|NO)] [CELL_GEOMETRY (POINTS|POLYGONS)] [REJECT_INVALID_FEATURES (yes|no)] [OUTPUT POINTS FEATURE_TYPE [ ]* []*]* Overview This factory takes numeric raster features and extracts their elements as three-dimensional vector features. One feature of fme_point or fme_area geometry will be output for each cell in the raster. Each point or polygon may optionally receive raster and band ID attributes which correspond to the raster and band from which the vector feature originated. Each cell or element in the raster will be output either as a 3D point feature or as a 3D polygon feature. Each feature represents a z value at a row and column intersection point in the input raster The PRESERVE_ATTRIBUTES clause is used to specify that the output vector features should retain exposed user and format attributes from the input raster. If the RASTER_INDEX_ATTRIBUTE clause is specified, an attribute will be added to each output feature that identifies which raster it was created from. This index is zero-based, so all features created from the first input raster will have a value of 0, all features created from the second input raster will have a value of 1, etc. If the BAND_ID_ATTRIBUTE clause is specified, an attribute will be added to each output feature that identifies the band for which the feature created. This attribute will only be present if EXTRACT_VALUES_AS_ATTRIBUTES is set to NO. If the COLUMN_ATTRIBUTE or ROW_ATTRIBUTE clause is specified, attributes will be added to each output feature identifying the cell for which the feature was created. The EXTRACT_NODATA clause specifies whether vector features will be output for nodata cells in the input raster. If set to NO, no vector feature will be output for nodata cells in the raster. If set to YES, then a vector feature will be output for each nodata cell. The default is YES. The EXTRACT_VALUES_AS_ATTRIBUTES clause specifies whether band values should be stored as attributes or z values. If set to YES, one feature will be output per cell in the raster. Band and palette values will be stored in attributes named _band{}.value and _band{}.palette{}.value. The output geometry will be 2D. If set to NO, one feature will be output per band per cell in the raster. The output geometry will be 3D, where the z value is the band value. The default is NO. The CELL_GEOMETRY clause specifies whether to output feature of fme_point or fme_area geometry. If set to POINTS, one point feature will be created for each of the raster's cell, positioned at the cell's origin. If set to POLYGONS, then polygon features will be output, each one covering one of the raster's cell. The default is POINTS. This factory accepts only features that have raster geometry. This factory accepts multi-band rasters. This factory supports sub selection of raster bands. When EXTRACT_VALUES_AS_ATTRIBUTES is set to NO, this factory does not accept rasters with selected bands that contain one or more palettes; palettes must be resolved first for selected bands. The REJECT_INVALID_FEATURES clause specifies whether the factory will fail upon being supplied invalid features or output them to the port. Output Tags The RasterToVectorFactory supports the following output tags. POINTS The resulting features of fme_point or fme_area geometry, one for each input raster cell. The output feature that is deemed to be invalid input for any of the following reasons: - The input feature does not have raster geometry - The input raster has no bands - The input raster has no points