Syntax FACTORY_DEF RasterToPointCloudComponentFactory [FACTORY_NAME ] [INPUT FEATURE_TYPE [ ]* []*]* [COMPONENT_LIST []+] [EXTRACT_NODATA (yes|no)] [DEFAULT_VALUES_OVERWRITE_DATA (yes|no)] [DEFAULT_VALUE []+] [INTERPOLATION_TYPE_NAME (nearestneighbor|bilinear| bicubic|average4|average16)] [GROUP_BY []+]* [REJECT_INVALID_FEATURES (yes|no)] [OUTPUT POINTCLOUD FEATURE_TYPE [ ]* []*]* [OUTPUT FEATURE_TYPE [ ]* []*]* Overview This factory is used to set point cloud component values by overlaying a point cloud on a raster. The component values for each point will be set from band values at the point location. This factory accepts multiple input point clouds and rasters. One point cloud is output for each input point cloud. The component value for each point is taken from the first raster that can supply one (e.g. if a point does not overlap a raster, the next raster will be tried), so the order of input for rasters can impact the result. The COMPONENT_LIST clause specifies the point cloud components that should be set by this factory. The order of components in the list should correspond to the order of selected bands in the raster. That is, the value for the first component will be taken from the first selected band in the raster, and so on. Rasters must contain the same number of selected bands as there are components in this list. If any of the specified components did not already exist on the point cloud, they will be added to its schema. The EXTRACT_NODATA, DEFAULT_VALUES_OVERWRITE_DATA, and DEFAULT_VALUE clauses are used to handle the absence of data. The extraction of a component value from a raster works as follows: 1. If a raster cell value was found at the location of the point, and it is not nodata, then use it 2. If a raster cell value was found at the location of the point, and it is nodata, and EXTRACT_NODATA is yes, then use it 3. If there's another raster for this group, go back to step 1 for the next raster 4. If this component already existed on the point cloud and DEFAULT_VALUES_OVERWRITE_DATA is no, leave the existing value 5. Use the value specified for this component in DEFAULT_VALUE Note that DEFAULT_VALUE is a list of the default value for each component, and should contain the same number of entries as COMPONENT_LIST. The option INTERPOLATION_TYPE_NAME gives five different interpolation choices for how to determine the value of points that don't fall exactly on the center of a cell. The nearestneighbor interpolation method yields the highest performance with the least accuracy. The bicubic interpolation method yields the highest accuracy but may take longer to process the data. The bilinear interpolation method yields a medium result. The average4 and average16 interpolation methods have a performance similar to bilinear and can be useful for numeric rasters such as DEMs. The input features may be partitioned into groups based on attribute values using the GROUP_BY clause. Rasters for a group will only and one point cloud feature is produced for each group. If the GROUP_BY clause is not specified, then all input features will be processed together. The REJECT_INVALID_FEATURES clause specifies whether the factory will fail upon being supplied invalid features or output them to the port. This factory accepts only features that have raster or point cloud geometries. Output Tags The PointCloudCombinerFactory supports the following output tag. POINTCLOUD The output point cloud with component values set from raster cell values. The output feature that is deemed to be invalid input for any of the following reasons: - The feature does not have rich geometry - The feature has string components