Syntax FACTORY_DEF RasterSplitterFactory [FACTORY_NAME ] [INPUT FEATURE_TYPE [ ]* []*]* [SPLIT_BY (BAND|BAND_AND_PALETTE|PALETTE)] [RASTER_INDEX_FIELD ] [BAND_INDEX_FIELD ] [REJECT_INVALID_FEATURES (yes|no)] [PALETTE_INDEX_FIELD ] [OUTPUT SPLIT FEATURE_TYPE [ ]* []*]* Overview This factory separates each input raster feature into one or more output raster features based on the number of input bands and palettes. The option to separate the raster by bands only, by both bands and palettes or by palettes only, can be specified by the SPLIT_BY clause, explained below. The order of the input features and their bands and palettes will determine the order of the bands in the output feature. The SPLIT_BY clause accepts one of three parameter values: BAND BAND_AND_PALETTE PALETTE If the SPLIT_BY clause is specified as BAND, then each band on the input raster feature will be placed onto a unique output raster feature. Thus each output raster feature will have no more than one band, but each band may have multiple palettes. If the SPLIT_BY clause is specified as BAND_AND_PALETTE, the bands are split in the same way as the BAND case, and additionally bands are constrained to having one palette. Thus, each output raster feature will have no more than one band and no more than one palette. This is the default functionality. If the SPLIT_BY clause is specified as PALETTE, the palettes on each band are split into several bands on the same raster such that all bands are constrained to having one palette. Thus, each output raster feature will have no more than one palette per band, but may contain multiple bands per raster. If the RASTER_INDEX_FIELD,BAND_INDEX_FIELD and/or PALETTE_INDEX_FIELD clause are specified, the attributes are added to the output raster to specify which raster/band/palette it originated from. To disable this functionality, leave the parameter(s) empty. This mode only works with SPLIT_BY BAND and BAND_AND_PALETTE parameter values. The REJECT_INVALID_FEATURES clause specifies whether the factory will fail upon being supplied invalid features or output them to the port. This factory accepts only features that have raster geometry and is unaffected by raster band and/or palette subselection. Attributes will be carried across from the INPUT features to the respective SPLIT features. Output Tags The RasterSplitterFactory supports the following output tag. SPLIT Output features created from splitting the input feature(s). The output feature that is deemed to be invalid input for any of the following reasons: - The input feature does not have raster geometry - The input raster has no bands