Syntax FACTORY_DEF RasterPyramidFactory [FACTORY_NAME ] [INPUT FEATURE_TYPE [ ]* []*]* [SMALLEST_LEVEL_NUM_ROWS ] [SMALLEST_LEVEL_NUM_COLUMNS ] [NUMBER_OF_LEVELS ] [USE_POWERS_OF_TWO (YES|NO)] [INTERPOLATION_TYPE_NAME (nearestneighbor|bilinear| bicubic|average4|average16)] [RASTER_INDEX_ATTRIBUTE ] [PYRAMID_LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE ] [NUM_PYRAMID_LEVELS_ATTRIBUTE ] [REJECT_INVALID_FEATURES (yes|no)] [OUTPUT PYRAMIDS FEATURE_TYPE [ ]* []*]* Overview This factory creates a series of pyramid levels for each input raster feature. Either the smallest pyramid level size or the number of pyramid levels must be specified to determine the pyramid levels to be generated. Pyramid levels are created by resampling input rasters to various different resolutions. If the SMALLEST_LEVEL_NUM_ROWS and SMALLEST_LEVEL_NUM_COLUMNS clauses are specified, then the smallest pyramid level generated will have the specified size. Each subsequent level will increase the number of rows and columns by a factor of two, until the size of the input raster is reached. If the NUMBER_OF_LEVELS clause is specified, then the largest pyramid level generated will have half the number of rows and columns of the input raster. Each subsequent level will decrease the number of rows and columns by a factor of two, until the specified number of levels has been generated. Note: The input raster does not count towards the number of levels. For example, if NUMBER_OF_LEVELS is 3, then the output will consist of the input raster plus three generated levels. If USE_POWERS_OF_TWO is set to YES, then the number of rows and columns in all generated levels will be powers of two. When the smallest pyramid level size is specified, the number of rows and columns in the smallest level will actually be the smallest powers of two that are greater than or equal to the specified values. When the number of levels is specified, the number of rows and columns in the largest pyramid level will be the greatest powers of two that are less than or equal to the number in the input raster. This is an optional clause; the default is NO. Note: Pyramid levels will not be generated if either the number of rows or columns is less than 2. The INTERPOLATION_TYPE_NAME clause specifies the interpolation method to use when resampling to produce the pyramids. This clause is optional; it defaults to NEARESTNEIGHBOR. If the RASTER_INDEX_ATTRIBUTE clause is specified, an attribute will be added to each output raster feature that identifies which raster it was created from. This index is zero-based, so all pyramid levels created from the first input raster will have a value of 0, all pyramid levels created from the second input raster will have a value of 1, etc. This clause is optional. If the PYRAMID_LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE clause is specified, an attribute will be added to each output raster feature indicating its level in the pyramid. The input raster is considered to be the base of the pyramid, level 0. The second largest level will have a value of 1, the third largest level will have a value of 2, etc. This clause is optional. If the NUM_PYRAMID_LEVELS_ATTRIBUTE clause is specified, an attribute will be added to each output raster indicating the number of levels, including level 0, in the pyramid to which it belongs. This clause is optional. The REJECT_INVALID_FEATURES clause specifies whether the factory will fail upon being supplied invalid features or output them to the port. This factory accepts only features that have raster geometry and is unaffected by raster band and/or palette subselection. Attributes will be carried across from the INPUT features to the respective PYRAMIDS features. Output Tags The RasterPyramidFactory supports the following output tag. PYRAMIDS Output raster features comprising the levels of the pyramid generated for each input feature. The output feature that is deemed to be invalid input for any of the following reasons: - The feature has non-rich geometry - The raster does not have any bands