Syntax @RasterAspect([REJECTABLE], [[, ]]) Arguments REJECTABLE Specifies if the function will supply a rejection code and message to the invalid feature and output it to the rejected port, or will fail upon being supplied invalid features. A feature can be rejected for the following reasons: - The feature has invalid geometry Whether to calculate values at raster edges and near nodata values. When this is set to 'DoNotInterpolateNodata', there will be a one pixel border around the edge of the raster set to the nodata value. Additionally, when any pixel in the 3x3 window used to calculate the aspect value is equal to nodata, the output pixel will also be set to nodata. When this is set to 'InterpolateNodata', values around the edge and near nodata values will be estimated by interpolating missing values. Range: InterpolateNodata | DoNotInterpolateNodata The algorithm used to calculate aspect. Some analyses have suggested that Horn's formula is better suited to rougher terrain, whereas Zevenbergen & Thorne's formula is better for smooth terrain. Range: Horn | ZevenbergenThorne Description The @RasterAspect function calculates the aspect (direction of slope) for each selected band of a raster. Aspect is measured in degrees from 0 to 360, starting clockwise from the north. Each selected input band will be converted to a REAL64 band with output values that represent the aspect. If an input band does not have a nodata value, the output band nodata value will be set to -1. This function supports raster band selection. @SelectRaster can be used to modify selection.