Syntax FACTORY_DEF PointCloudTilingFactory [FACTORY_NAME ] [INPUT FEATURE_TYPE [ ]* []*]* [TILE_WIDTH ] [TILE_HEIGHT ] [XSEED ] [YSEED ] [REJECT_INVALID_GEOM Yes|No] [NUM_HORIZONTAL_TILES ] [NUM_VERTICAL_TILES ] [TILE_ROW_ATTRIBUTE ] [TILE_COLUMN_ATTRIBUTE ] [OUTPUT TILES FEATURE_TYPE [ ]* []*]* Overview This factory splits each input point cloud feature into a series of tiles. The input point cloud can be split up by specifying either a tile size or a number of tiles. The TILE_WIDTH and TILE_HEIGHT clauses specify the tile size. These values must be greater than 0. XSEED and YSEED are optional parameters that specify a "seed point" from which tiles will be generated. These may only be used with TILE_WIDTH and TILE_HEIGHT. Note that it is permissible to specify a value for only one of these parameters. The NUM_HORIZONTAL_TILES and NUM_VERTICAL_TILES clauses specify the number of tiles into which the input point clouds will be split. These values must be greater than 0. If the TILE_ROW_ATTRIBUTE and TILE_COLUMN_ATTRIBUTE clauses are specified, attributes will be added to each output tile that identify the position of that tile in the input point cloud. These indices are zero-based. Tile row 0, tile column 0 corresponds to the bottom-left tile. Attributes will be carried across from the INPUT features to the respective TILES features. Output Tags TILES Output tiles created from splitting the input feature(s).