Syntax FACTORY_DEF PointCloudMergerFactory [FACTORY_NAME ] [INPUT REQUESTOR FEATURE_TYPE [ ]* []*]+ [INPUT SUPPLIER FEATURE_TYPE [ ]* []*]+ [GROUP_BY []+]* [FLUSH_WHEN_GROUPS_CHANGE (Yes|No)] [REFERENCE_TABLE [ ]+] [HANDLE_CONFLICT (REQUESTOR_IF_CONFLICT|SUPPLIER_IF_CONFLICT)] [REJECT_INVALID_FEATURES (yes|no)] [OUTPUT (MERGED|NOT_MERGED| REFERENCED|UNREFERENCED|DUPLICATE_SUPPLIER) FEATURE_TYPE [ ]* []*]* [OUTPUT FEATURE_TYPE [ ]* []*]* Overview Merges component values from one point cloud to another. Features that contain the desired components are connected through the SUPPLIER input, and the features that will receive the components are connected through the REQUESTOR input. Requestor points are joined to Supplier points when the components specified in the Join On parameter ALL have the same value for both the Requestor and Supplier. When a Requestor finds a Supplier, the components from the Supplier are merged on to the Requestor. If the Requestor already had a component with the same name, the Conflict Resolution option may be used to control which value is preferred for the merged point cloud. Each Requestor point cloud will be split into two parts: Points that found a Supplier (MERGED) and points that did not find a Supplier (NOT_MERGED). Each Supplier point cloud will be split into three parts: Points that were found by at least one Requestor (REFERENCED), points that were not found by any Requestor (UNREFERENCED), and duplicate points (DUPLICATE_SUPPLIER). The REJECT_INVALID_FEATURES clause specifies whether the factory will fail upon being supplied invalid features or output them to the port. Input Tags REQUESTOR Receives new component values from point clouds connected to the SUPPLIER port. SUPPLIER The source of new component values for point clouds that enter through the REQUESTOR port. Output Tags MERGED Requestors that find a Supplier. NOT_MERGED Requestors that do not find a Supplier. REFERENCED Suppliers that are found by at least one Requestor. Point clouds output via this port will have an additional reference_count component added, specifying the number of times each point was referenced. UNREFERENCED Supplier points that are not found by any Requestor. DUPLICATE_SUPPLIER Supplier points with the same Join On component values as an earlier Supplier point. The output feature that is deemed to be invalid input for any of the following reasons: - A Requestor/Supplier is not a valid pointcloud Parameters GROUP_BY If Group By attributes are selected, features with the same values in the Group By attributes are grouped together, and point clouds will only be merged with other point clouds in the same group. FLUSH_WHEN_GROUPS_CHANGE If the GROUP_BY clause is specified, this clause (when set to Yes) will cause the factory to process and output the current group immediately when an attribute that does not belong to the current group is encountered. REFERENCE_TABLE Specifies which components are used to match up Requestor and Supplier points. Two points are only considered to match if the values for ALL components is equal. If more than one Supplier point has the same set of values, all points after the first will not be merged with Requestors, and will instead be output the DUPLICATE_SUPPLIER port. HANDLE_CONFLICT Conflicts occurs when Requestors and Suppliers both have a component with the same name. Values: REQUESTOR_IF_CONFLICT - If a conflict occurs, the Requestor values will be maintained. SUPPLIER_IF_CONFLICT - If a conflict occurs, the Supplier values will be transferred onto the Requestor.