Syntax FACTORY_DEF PointCloudCoercerFactory [FACTORY_NAME ] [INPUT FEATURE_TYPE [ ]* []*]* [CONVERT_TO (BOXEDMULTIPOINT | SEQUENTIALMULTIPOINT | NESTEDEQUALAREAMULTIPOINT | SINGLEMULTIPOINT | POINT)] [MULTIPOINT_SIZE ] [POINT_COMPONENTS ] [ACCUM_ATTRS (yes|no)] [POINT_COMPONENTS_PRESERVE_TYPE (MEASURES|ATTRIBUTES)] [PART_NUMBER_ATTR_NAME ] [REJECT_INVALID_FEATURES (yes|no)] [OUTPUT COERCED FEATURE_TYPE [ ]* []*]* [OUTPUT FEATURE_TYPE [ ]* []*]* Overview This factory is used to coerce point cloud geometries into points or multipoints. The CONVERT_TO clause accepts the following values: SEQUENTIALMULTIPOINT BOXEDMULTIPOINT NESTEDEQUALAREAMULTIPOINT SINGLEMULTIPOINT POINT SEQUENTIALMULTIPOINT: The input point cloud will be coerced into one or more multipoint geometries, each of which contains at most MULTIPOINT_SIZE points. This method splits up the point cloud by making a multipoint from the first N points, then another multipoint from the next N points, etc. Note that output multipoints may overlap each other. BOXEDMULTIPOINT: The input point cloud will be coerced into one or more multipoint geometries, each of which contains at most MULTIPOINT_SIZE points. This mode guarantees that output multipoints will be spatially disjoint from each other, but performs slower than SEQUENTIALMULTIPOINT. This method attempts to split the point cloud into multipoints that have an equal number of points, as close as possible to the specified maximum size. Note that this option could result in memory errors if the input point cloud is very large. NESTEDEQUALAREAMULTIPOINT: The input point cloud will be coerced into one or more multipoint geometries, each of which contains at most MULTIPOINT_SIZE points. This mode guarantees that output multipoints will be spatially disjoint from each other, but performs slower than SEQUENTIALMULTIPOINT. This mode attempts to split the point cloud into a set of tiles that have an equal area. If a tile contains too many points, it is further subdivided. This method performs faster than BOXEDMULTIPOINT and is not restricted by point cloud size, but likely will produce a greater number of multipoints containing a lower average number of points. SINGLEMULTIPOINT: The input point cloud will be coerced into a single multipoint geometry. Note that this option could result in memory errors if the input point cloud is very large. POINT: The input point cloud will be coerced into individual points. The POINT_COMPONENTS clause specifies which components should be preserved, either as attributes on output features or measures on output point geometries. The value should be a space-delimited list of component names. Components will be preserved as attributes/measures with the same name as the component. The exception to this is that the color_red/color_green/ color_blue components will be preserved as fme_color when preserving components as attributes. If yes is specified for the ACCUM_ATTRIBUTES clause, the attributes of each input feature are preserved onto the feature being output. If no is specified for the clause, no user attributes will be carried across from the input features to the output features. The PART_NUMBER_ATTR_NAME clause specifies the name of an attribute to be added to each output feature, indicating its part number. For a given point cloud, the first output feature will be part 0, the second will be part 1, and so on. The REJECT_INVALID_FEATURES clause specifies whether the factory will fail upon being supplied invalid features or output them to the port. This factory accepts only features that have point cloud geometries. Output Tags The PointCloudCombinerFactory supports the following output tag. COERCED The output feature created by coercing the input features. The output feature that is deemed to be invalid input for any of the following reasons: - The feature has type 'string' for a required component - The feature does not have compatible geometry - The feature is missing X/Y coordinates - The feature has too many points TO BE RESOLVED POINT_COMPONENTS_PRESERVE_TYPE clause added to Syntax section above, but not documented.