Syntax @Orient([]) @Orient(REVERSE[, REVERSE_SURFACE_SOLID_ONLY|REVERSE_NON_SURFACE_SOLID_ONLY]) Arguments This parameter controls what orientation the feature has when the function is complete. Range: RIGHT_HAND_RULE | LEFT_HAND_RULE | REVERSE REVERSE_NON_SURFACE_SOLID_ONLY If this flag is present with REVERSE orientation, only geometries other than surface and solids are reversed. Surface and solids are untouched. Range: N/A REVERSE_SURFACE_SOLID_ONLY If this flag is present with REVERSE orientation, only surface and solids are reversed. All other geometries are untouched. Range: N/A Description This function adjusts the orientation of a polygonal feature or the direction of a linear feature. @Orient takes a single parameter that specifies the orientation the feature will have when the function completes. For the outer boundary, this means that the vertices are in a clockwise direction whereas for holes, the vertices are in a counterclockwise direction. The opposite is true when LEFT_HAND_RULE is specified. When the LEFT_HAND_RULE is specified, the feature is returned so that the outer boundary's vertices are in a counterclockwise order and the holes have a clockwise ordering. When REVERSE is specified, the feature's coordinates are flipped so that the first coordinate becomes the last one, and vice-versa. This option is intended for use with features that are not polygonal. REVERSE is the only option that will change a 3D geometry. On surfaces, it will flip which side of the surface is the front, and which side is the back. On solids, it will re-orient the underlying surfaces so that the surfaces are flipped, in effect causing the solid to be turned inside-out. If no parameter is given, the function does not modify the feature, but instead returns the feature's existing orientation: right_hand_rule, left_hand_rule, or no_orientation. This last value will result if the feature is non-polygonal, is a donut whose shells' orientations are mixed, or is an aggregate with either no polygonal parts or polygonal parts of mixed orientations.