Syntax FACTORY_DEF LogMessageFactory [FACTORY_NAME ] [INPUT TRIGGER FEATURE_TYPE '*'] [OUTPUT LOGFILE FEATURE_TYPE [ ]* []*]* [OUTPUT LOGGER FEATURE_TYPE [ ]* []*]* [OUTPUT TRIGGER FEATURE_TYPE '*'] Overview This factory captures messages from the logfile and/or the @Log() function. Clauses MESSAGE_LEVELS - indicates the type of messages to capture, valid values are a set of space separated: INFORM STATRP STATS WARN ERROR FATAL CAPTURE_FROM - capture from messages from logfile and/or @Log() function, valid values are LOGFILE and/or LOGGER. MAX_MESSAGES_PER_FEATURE - maximum number of messages loaded per feature OUTPUT_ATTRIBUTE_NAME - attribute prefix Input Tags TRIGGER Meant to accept any features, the features will be output through the TRIGGER output port untouched. It is used to trigger the process() method, so that messages may be output via process() as well as allDone(). Output Tags The factory supports the following output tags. LOGFILE Messages captured from the logfile are output through this port. LOGGER Messages captured from the @Log() function are output through this port.