Syntax FACTORY_DEF InspectorFactory [FACTORY_NAME ] [INPUT FEATURE_TYPE [ ]* []*] [GROUP_ATTRIBUTE ] [GROUP_ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX ] [GROUP_BY [ ]*] [RASTER_REDUCTION (NoReduction|Resample|Subset|BoundingBoxOnly)] [RASTER_START_COL ] [RASTER_START_ROW ] [RASTER_NUM_COLS ] [RASTER_NUM_ROWS ] [POINT_CLOUD_REDUCTION (NO_THINNING|KEEPNPOINT|MAXNUMPOINTS|FIRSTNPOINTS|LASTNPOINTS)] [POINT_CLOUD_THIN_INTERVAL ] [POINT_CLOUD_THIN_MAX_NUM_POINTS ] [OUTPUT RESULT FEATURE_TYPE [ ]* []*]* Overview Prepares features for being inspected. Parameters GROUP_ATTRIBUTE, GROUP_ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX, GROUP_BY GROUP_ATTRIBUTE specifies an attribute whose value will be set by the GROUP_ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX and GROUP_BY and values. When GROUP_BY is not specified, the value of this attribute will be: When GROUP_BY is specified, the value of this attribute will be: ___... Note that input feature tables will be partitioned into groups based on attribute values using the GROUP_BY clause. For a given input feature table, one feature table will be output for each group. RASTER_REDUCTION Specifies a method for reducing rasters. NoReduction - Rasters will be output untouched. Resample - Rasters will be resampled to a smaller size. Specifically, they will be resampled such that the largest dimension is <= 512 cells, or the smallest dimension is >= 32 cells. Subset - Rasters will be reduced to a subset of the area. BoundingBoxOnly - Rasters will be replaced by their bounding box. POINT_CLOUD_REDUCTION Specifies a method for reducing point clouds. NO_THINNING - Point clouds will be output untouched. KEEPNPOINT - Thins point clouds, sampling by interval. MAXNUMPOINTS - Thins point clouds, sampling by maximum number of points. FIRSTNPOINTS - Keeps only the first N points in each point cloud. LASTNPOINTS - Keeps only the last N points in each point cloud.