Syntax @GMLGeometry(TO_ATTRIBUTE, , , , , , ) @GMLGeometry(FROM_ATTRIBUTE, [, ]) Arguments Specifies the action to be taken, TO_ATTRIBUTE exports the geometry from the feature into an attribute, while FROM_ATTRIBUTE imports the GML geometry from an attribute into the feature. Range: TO_ATTRIBUTE | FROM_ATTRIBUTE The GML version in which the geometry will be written. Range: GML_2.1.2 | GML_3.1.1 | GML_3.2.1 Forces the GML coordinates in the and elements to be interpreted in the specified axis order. Range: xy | yx | xyz | yxz The name of the attribute to have the geometry saved. Range: String Description This command is used to serialize and de-serialize a feature's geometry into and from GML. The string indicates the type of GML to write, currently only GML 2.1.2, GML 3.1.1 and GML 3.2.1 are supported. The gml:id XML attribute is required in GML 3.2.1, to create a valid GML 3.2.1 geometry fragment, the function must populate the gml:id attributes. The values for the gml:id attributes are either taken directly from the corresponding "gml_id" geometry trait, or generated indirectly from the feature's "gml_id" attribute, or indirectly from a "uuid", in the case the feature is lacking a "gml_id" attribute. Note: In TO_ATTRIBUTE mode, if the feature has no geometry, then the resulting attribute will have a blank value.