Syntax @GeoRSSGeometry(TO_ATTRIBUTE, , [, ]) @GeoRSSGeometry(FROM_ATTRIBUTE, ) Arguments The name of the GeoRSS format in which the geometry will be read/written. Range: (SIMPLE|W3C|GML|GEORSS_SIMPLE|GEORSS_W3C|GEORSS_GML) The name of the attribute to have the geometry saved to or retrieved from the feature. Range: String A boolean indicating whether to create an XML fragment or a valid XML document. The default value is NO. Range: (YES|NO) Description Note: For a method of storing and retrieving geometry in an attribute where the geometry is fully preserved (including measures and complex chains involving arcs), see @Geometry. This command is used to set or get the feature geometry. When writing geometry to an attribute, the string indicates the type of GeoRSS text to write. The parameter specifies the name of the attribute to which the text will be written. When reading GeoRSS geometry from an attribute, the function will automatically detect the GeoRSS format of the XML text, so no GeoRSS format parameter is required. The parameter specifies the attribute from which the GeoRSS will be read. Note: In TO_ATTRIBUTE mode, if the feature has no geometry, then the resulting attribute will have a blank value, because the GeoRSS specifications provide no way to represent a "null" geometry. Conversely, however, in FROM_ATTRIBUTE mode, if the specified attribute has a blank value, then the feature's geometry will be left untouched and a warning output.