Syntax @GeometryFormat([REJECTABLE], EXTRACT, , , ) @GeometryFormat([REJECTABLE], REPLACE, , ) Arguments REJECTABLE Specifies if the function will supply a rejection code and message to the invalid feature and output it to the rejected port, or will fail upon being supplied invalid features. A feature can be rejected for the following reasons: - The feature cannot be written to a temporary file - The blob attribute can not be read from the file EXTRACT: extract the geometry into an attribute. REPLACE: replace the geometry with the value in the specified attribute Range: (EXTRACT|REPLACE) The format is written to or read from. Range: (BMP|GEOTIFF|GIFRASTER|JPEG|JPEG2000|LAS|LAZ|PNGRASTER|SGI|TIFF) The name of the attribute where the binary geometry data blob is to be written or read. Range: String The name of an attribute which is set to the format name. Range: String Description The @GeometryFormat function either serializes the geometry of the feature into the Blob Attribute based on the writer format, or deserializes the Blob Attribute and replaces the geometry of the feature. In EXTRACT mode, the geometry of the feature will be written using the selected to a temporary file. The bytes of that file will then be copied in the . Additionally, will be set to the specified format. In REPLACE mode, the geometry of the feature will be replaced by the geometry in . The decoding is done according to the specified . This function may be useful for reading/writing geometries into databases.